Chapter 101-105

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  Chapter 101 Daily life

  Song Dai rolled down from the sofa and hugged him: "Why are you coming back now?"

  Chu Jinghe put the vegetables he picked on the small table, smiled and touched her head: "On the way back, I met a few people who had just come from the sea, which was quite interesting."

  Song Dai tilted her head to look at him.

  Chu Jinghe pulled up a stool and sat down. While peeling corn, he told her in detail: "Eight newcomers have arrived, and the most powerful among them is a dual-system superpower, water and fire."

  Song Dai supported her chin and asked, "Is it awesome?"

  Chu Jinghe said casually: "Those who can survive in the apocalypse have some abilities. I can't figure it out yet, but it seems that he wants to be the master of the base. It depends on Teacher Li whether she can test out his abilities. "

  "...Oh." Song Dai also helped him peel the corn. The freshly picked corn had the natural fresh taste of vegetables, and the corn silk was also bright yellow.

  "What? Are you worried?" Chu Jinghe asked.

  "What am I worried about? If he wants to take over the base, it would be a good thing." Song Dai yawned, leaned on Chu Jinghe's shoulder, and said lazily: "Building the base is really tiring. The past six months I feel like a hard-working old scalper who is needed everywhere. I am so busy that I just need a break."

  Chu Jinghe lowered his eyes and said calmly: "In the past six months, although the base has never clearly elected who is the master of the base, everyone has acquiesced that you are the leader of the base, so everyone is counting on you and waiting for you to make a decision. , and sometimes I don't even have much time at home, not even time to eat with you..."

  Song Dai suddenly sat upright. Did she smell a smell of vinegar just now?

  She turned to look at Chu Jinghe, but Chu Jinghe stood up, holding the shucked corn, corn leaves, and corn silks in his hands. He stood by their home-made open kitchen stove, scooped a few ladles of water from the wooden bucket, held the green corn leaves in his bony hands, and slowly cleaned them.

  The slightly rough but slender white hands were immersed in the clear water, like soft silk being washed in the water, making a soft sound of rippling water. The small solar-powered charging lamp next to the stove reflected his silent cooking on the wall behind him. The shadow is gentle and demure, and the human flavor is almost overflowing.

  Song Dai suddenly became excited, skipped the island, and came to his side. Chu Jinghe was tying his apron with his backhand.

  "I'll do it, I'll do it!" Song Dai took the thin strap of the apron from his hand and tied it slowly. The two straps were tied around his waist. Chu Jinghe's arm handling the tender corn paused and he said hoarsely. :"Too tight."

  "Oh, let me loosen up a little." Song Dai snickered. Her husband's waist was so thin and narrow that she could sneak a peek.

  Chu Jinghe's voice became even hoarse: "Xiaodai..."

  Song Dai grinned secretly: "Okay, okay, let's stop making trouble."

  After tying a beautiful bow, Song Dai hugged his waist from behind, resting her head on his solid back, sniffing the cool and cold smell of snowy fir on his body, and whispered: "Now the base is under construction It's almost done, I won't be so busy in the future, can I stay with you from now on?"

  When the cooking was put into the pot, the hot oil collided with the tender corn and chili peppers, and thick smoke instantly erupted in the kitchen. Warmth and intoxication enveloped him and Song Dai, and the natural coldness all over his body, as if in the clouds, disappeared. It came down and fell on Song Dai's heart.

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