Chapter 21-30

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  Chapter 21 Green people are always green

  Song Dai was soaking in the bathtub, her body was soaked in the cool water, her wet black hair hung down her chest like a satin soaked in water, she washed off the blood on her body, her fingertips sank into the water, the calm water slowly It began to spin, forming a small vortex of water in her palm.

  Song Dai leaned her head on the edge of the bathtub, remembering the time in her previous life when she had just awakened her wind power.

  At the end of the high temperature, she and a large group of people huddled in a small shelter. The scorching heat was about to evaporate the water in her body. There was no wind in the air, only the air fluctuations as if being boiled and emanating from the people around her The smell of sweat and disease and decay, the air inhaled into the lungs is hot.

  During these torturous days, she imagined all the time that it would be nice if there was a cool, sweet and moist wind blowing in after the rain broke the branches, and then the wind power was born in response to her wish.

  At that time, she was still wondering why she went through a one-month coma period when she awakened the space ability, but not when she awakened the wind ability.

  Later, as more and more supernatural beings awakened, and many of them had dual or even multiple supernatural abilities, she realized that only when the first supernatural ability was awakened would she experience the coma period.

  It seems that the ability is testing whether this body can withstand this power. The duration of the coma period varies, some are a week, most of them are half a month, and it is very rare for Song Dai to be in a coma for a month.

  But as long as you can wake up from the coma, it means that the awakening of the supernatural power is successful, otherwise it means that the awakening of the supernatural power has failed.

  However, although some people successfully awakened, they starved to death due to lack of food supplements from donors after awakening, or there was no one to protect the body during the coma, and they were eaten as food by crazy people or an army of mutated insects.

  However, as long as the first awakening is successful, there is no need to go through a long and painful test when other powers are awakened.

  The high-temperature doomsday is the time when superpowers awaken most intensively. If the superpowers are ranked by strength, the strongest ones are naturally the five elemental superpowers of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, followed by Gu Yi's extremely aggressive thunder and lightning superpowers. Then there are the strengthening abilities and other abilities, and the last one is Song Dai's wind ability.

  In the high temperature apocalypse, she is not as good as the water-type superpowers, who can condense water to provide pollution-free drinking water for the people around; In terms of attributes, they are one level lower than other superpowers.

  Whenever others knew that she was a wind power user, they would show contempt. Anyone would step on her and even give her a nickname, a useless power user.

  It wasn't until half a year later that they were shocked to discover that Song Dai summoned a storm that destroyed the world with a snap of her fingers. Only then did the superpowers suddenly realize that there are no levels of superpowers. In the face of absolute power, everything is just bells and whistles.

  Putting on her bathrobe, Song Dai walked out of the bathroom while wiping her hair.

  Chu Jinghe, who had already washed away the blood all over his body, was waiting outside. He skillfully took a dry towel and helped her wipe her wet hair. Song Dai sat on his lap and stretched out her palm to face his face: "Do you feel it? ?"

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