Chapter 51-60

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  Chapter 51 Public Enemy of Men

  "Milan, you are crazy!" Gao Xin picked up the wooden warehouse she dropped on the ground. As a soldier, he could not throw away the wooden warehouse even if he died. He looked at Milan excitedly, only to see Milan hugging Ning Yao and kissing him like crazy.

  Ning Yao smiled.

  "You, you, you -" Gao Xin couldn't believe it and was about to say something when he was suddenly hit hard by something behind him.

  He turned around and was shocked to find that the eyes of the women behind him were filled with incredible fanaticism. They screamed and rushed towards Ning Yao. Some of them grabbed Ning Yao's hand and kissed the back of his hand, and some were trying to untie him. Clothes, kissing his face, his neck, and even fighting with each other because there were too many crazy women. Someone was jealous that Milan could put his arms around Ning Yao's neck, and went up to tear her hair, and several people struggled together.

  "Ning Yao! Ning Yao!" Jiang Jingshui threw away the baby in her arms and ran towards him excitedly.

  "Jingshui, you, you should be sober." Yang Xuan hugged Jiang Jingshui with difficulty, her strength would never be as strong as it is now, so strong that he could hardly control her.

  "Let go of me, Ning Yao, I love you!" Jiang Jingshui yelled while biting Yang Xuan's arm.

  "Ahhhhh, Jingshui, wake up soon!" Yang Xuan endured the pain and hugged Jiang Jingshui tightly.

  "Xiaoyu! Don't go there!" Wen Gangsheng was dragging Wen Xiaoyu with a sullen expression. Wen Xiaoyu kept trying to break away from Wen Gangsheng's hand, but Wen Gangsheng directly picked him up and carried him on his shoulders. , ignoring Wen Xiaoyu's shouts, locked her into the room.

  But soon a strong current washed away the conference room where they lived. Wen Gangsheng almost broke the glass and fell to his death from the 25th floor.

  The moment Song Dai saw Ning Yao, her eyes were blank. Like a person who had lost his will, he walked towards her blankly. There was no reason in his mind, only a steady stream of desire.

  With an inexplicable happy smile on her face, she opened her arms and ran towards him.

  "Xiao Dai! Don't go there, let's go home." Chu Jinghe hugged her tightly, Song Dai's eyes were dull, but her footsteps kept moving. Chu Jinghe had no choice but to plant a seed, which sent out a thick and long vine to tie Song Dai tightly and lock her into the room.

  "Let me go!" Song Dai broke free from Chu Jinghe's shackles, but then more vines wrapped around her and kept tightening. Chu Jinghe hugged her waist tightly and clamped her legs. Her feet, forcibly wrapped her in her arms, and whispered in her ear: "Xiao Dai, look at me, I am Chu Jinghe, and I am your husband, don't even think about him, you Think of me, Xiaodai, look at me."

  Song Dai's shoulders were shaken hard by Chu Jinghe, and her blurred eyes slowly came into focus. She saw the sadness and depression in his clear eyes.

  "I saw you." Song Dai held his face and looked at the injury in his eyes: "Chu Jinghe, I saw your face at that time."

  Chu Jinghe's eyes were startled, and his arms around her waist tightened even more, as if he wanted to blend her into his body.

  "Crazy! These women are crazy!" Gao Xin looked at this incredible scene, raised his gun and shouted at Ning Yao: "What on earth did you do to them!"

  Ning Yao just smiled but said nothing.

  Gao Xin looked at Milan, who only had fascination in his eyes, and gritted his teeth: "I won't let you turn them into puppets without personality!"

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