Chapter 11-20

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  Chapter 11 Pregnant women

  After what happened last night, Wang Meng and his gang no longer dared to go to the 28th floor to cause trouble. Song Dile was clean.

  But it only lasted a day. Early in the morning, Song Dai was woken up by banging on the door.

  She and Chu Jinghe were both sleeping on the sofa with the door blocked, their weapons at hand, and they could react immediately to the slightest disturbance.

  "Gu Zhigao, come out for me! Look at what you have done!" Song Dai saw through the cat's eyes that it was a middle-aged aunt smashing on her door, with an angry expression on her face.

  Behind the aunt stood a dry and thin old man, a fat young man, and an ordinary-looking woman, who should be the aunt's husband, son and daughter-in-law. This is a family attack.

  Song Dai yawned and said to Auntie through the door: "Auntie, you found the wrong one. This is 2802,280 2 on the opposite side."

  After finishing speaking, the aunt's action of smashing the door stopped instantly, with a blank expression on her face.

  The aunt's daughter-in-law held the aunt's arm with a frightened expression: "Mom, we found the wrong one. This is the one that dared to kill people."

  Auntie's arrogance suddenly disappeared and she said politely: "I'm sorry, we found the wrong one. I'm sorry for disturbing your rest."

  After she finished speaking, she turned around and smashed the door of 280 2 again, her expression returned to her previous arrogant look: "Gu Zhigao, open the door quickly, don't hide in it like a coward."

  After a moment, Gu Zhigao opened the door, looked at the angry family in front of him and asked, "Aunt Ge? Why are you here?"

  Aunt Ge's family lives in 202, and she is one of the first owners affected by the heavy rain. She has been living in the corridor. When Gu Zhigao distributed food before, he knew their family's situation and gave them more.

  "You still have the nerve to ask, did you know that our house was robbed last night?" Aunt Ge put her hips on her hips and snorted coldly, and the family members behind her also stared at him with unkind faces.

  "Is it Wang Meng's group?" Gu Zhigao asked.

  Aunt Ge said angrily: "Who else could he be? If it weren't for you, would our family have been robbed? Now our food has been robbed, and you have to compensate us. Don't even think about hiding away like this!"

  "Your home was robbed, why are you looking for us? This has nothing to do with us." Gu Yi walked out with his hands behind his back, a thin layer of ice on his sunny face.

  "You still have the nerve to lick your face and say it's okay? Let me ask you, did you not agree when 802 said that everyone should take out the food and share it equally so that everyone has something to eat and will not starve?" Aunt Ge asked.

  Gu Zhigao nodded: "Yes, but what does this have to do with your being robbed?"

  Aunt Ge gritted her teeth and said fiercely: "It's because you took the lead in not sharing the food equally that Wang Meng and his gang robbed door to door. If you had taken out the food earlier, our family would not have been robbed at all. It's all because of you. You have to pay for the loss of our family!"

  These magical remarks shocked Gu Zhigao and left him speechless.

  Gu Yi stared at the aggressive Aunt Ge, his deep eyes were a little cold: "You are really crazy, you actually find such a reason to rely on us."

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