Chapter 9

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Salem's POV:

"Aye bitch you want a pixie stick?" I said and I looked up from my phone and grinned.

Koi looked up from the iPad she stole and smirked. "My mom told me those turn you into a whore."

"PROBABLY!" I cackled and Koi joined in.

I passed her a blue pixie stick once we were done. Loki and Dante looked ready to abandon us on the side of the road. "Girls...I think that's enough pixie sticks." Dante groaned.

Loki, the sadist, grinned from the passenger seat. "No no. Let them cook."

My eyes went wide as I looked at the dark haired man. I pointed at him as my face lit up with glee. "You- oh my god!"

Dante banged his forehead on the steering wheel as the three of us laughed. Koi sucked her teeth and spoke to Dante. "Dude you look like a fed up father. Chill out a bit."

The man glared over his shoulder at her. "You two have been reciting memes for the past THREE HOURS! And now you have Loki in on it! LOKI! Of ALL people!"

Koi scowled at him. "Would you rather us scream songs at the tops of our lungs?"

Dante sighed. "Yeah actually."

Koi grinned at me and I grabbed the aux from Loki. I curled up to Koi's side and scrolled through my Spotify playlist to find a good song. We landed on one and mutually agreed it was the one we had to start with.

I sparked up a blunt for the both of us and set the pixie sticks on the floor. I looked at my best friend and nodded seriously. "Sad girl hours."

I flicked a bug off my shoulder.

Koi nodded, her eyes closed and a frown on her face. "Sad girl hours. And not real."

Loki looked at us curiously as Dante grumbled to himself about it being a very long drive.

'All I want by Olivia Rodrigo' started playing and Koi looked at me. "You better hit these runs."

I looked at her seriously and nodded my head. Stretching my body forward between the front seats I turned the radio up to nearly max volume and began singing.

I took a long drag from my blunt and blew it out the window after holding it in for a moment. I hit the first run and Koi nodded in approval.

Together we screeched the next lyrics.




Koi and I leaned against each other as we sang. Our voices held all the hurt from our past and I hit the second run.

When the song ended Loki clapped with a toothy grin. He was clearly enjoying our little concert. Meanwhile Dante looked constipated. Torn between being very annoyed and concerned.

Three more hours passed in a similar fashion as the first three. Though for these ones we were screaming sad break up songs and songs about abusive relationships.

When Dante finally got fed up with listening to us he turned the radio off and sighed in relief at the silence.

"You're lame." I mused. My insult directed at Dante.

The blonde frowned. "Boo hoo."

Koi gasped smacked my shoulder. "Salem! You made him cry! Be nice."

Dante looked very very unimpressed. Loki cackled at his friend before turning back to us. "You pretty little psychos hungry?"

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