Chapter 12

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Loki's pov:

I'm stressed. I'm very very stressed and annoyed. It probably wasn't a good idea to bring two girls we hardly know with us back to our base in Alaska.

No it was definitely a bad idea.

It was so bad, in fact, that I nearly lost my brother/bestfriend. But even so, I can't bring myself to regret our decision. I may not know Salem very much but holy shit she's perfect. Beautiful, smart and cleaver. Insane? Everything, she's perfect. Same with Koi. I've never seen Dante look so happy.

Yeah I definitely don't regret bringing them.

I look in the rear view mirror to see Dante's head in Koi's lap. The girl is passed out and so is Dante but there's more color in his face than there was the last time I looked back to check on him 2 minutes ago.

I take a deep breath of relief. 'I can finally relax' I think before looking over at Salem .......Salem, who looks very pale and dead. Not unusual but her breathing was slower than normal.

She must have fallen asleep. I look back at the road and tighten my hands around the wheel. I got a bad feeling. A really bad feeling. I glance at the rear view mirror and see no one behind us and I could hear any helicopters.

But if there's one thing it's that I always trust my gut.

I look back over at Salem and grin internally at her head lulling to the side. Her blood streaked hair was in her beautiful face. Couldn't have that so I reach over and push it out of the way.

Her eyes were open.



I slam on the breaks, jerking the car to the side of the road to park.

"SALEM?!?! SALEM??? Come on princess wake up please for the love of god wake up!!" I scream at ears that aren't listening.

"What the fuck is going on? Salem?? No. No don't do this to me please. SALEM YOU CRAZY BITCH WAKE UP!!!" Koi says from her spot half way up front and half in the back.

Is she slapping her?


"HEY hey! Koi calm down calm down it's ok I'm gonna grab the first aid kit you take her shirt off to see if there's any injuries." I say making sure Koi is looking me in the eyes and listening.

She nods her head and gets to work on taking Salem's shirt off. I run around to the back of the jeep and throw the trunk open. There sitting on top of everything is the first aid kit.

"Loki!! We got a problem." I hear from a very concerned Koi at the front of the car. 'Fuck that's not what I wanted to hear'.

Running back to the front where Salem and Koi are I take a look at this "problem". What I see isn't pretty. 'Fuck that's gonna leave a sexy ass scar but man she's gonna be pissed about her tattoo '. 'Not the time Loki she's dying' I think to myself.

Salem has a large gash across her back with two smaller ones in each side. It's jagged and torn splintering off in some places looking kinda like a a ripped tapestry. Fuck she's lost a lot of blood. Moving quickly, I pull gauze from the kit and start applying it to Salem's slumped over form.

"Give me a needle and stitch thread imma turn this bitch into Frankenstein. I've seen her stitch and have stitched the holes in her clothes enough times that I think I can sew her back together." Koi says to me.

I give her a needle and stitches and get to work disinfecting the wound. Shortly after I finished Koi starts stitching her. It's a slow process and I have to hold fresh gauze on the areas she's not working on to stop the bleeding, but eventually she finishes and lets out a relived breath.

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