Chapter 7

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Salem's POV:

I woke up the next morning to the feeling of being watched.

I cracked one of my eyes open and when no light blinded me I cracked open the other. I brought my hand up to rub the sleep from my eyes but it was grabbed. I frowned and brought my other hand up and thankfully that one wasn't grabbed.

After clearing my eyes of sleep I looked over and saw Loki staring at me. I then looked to my wrist that he was holding and saw it covered in blood. I blinked at it a few times. A bug crawled on my pointer finger and sat there before flying away.

I watched it leave and disappear when a deep rumbling voice drew my attention. "Good morning."

I turned my head to look at Loki who was admiring the dry cracked blood covering my hand and the ripped skin built up under my nails. "Good morning." I mumbled back.

Loki's pupils dilated and I watched with morbid fascination as he brought my hand to his mouth and licked his flaking blood from my fingers. It took him a while but soon my hand was clean of his dried blood. The only thing left was his torn off skin under my nails.

I pulled my hand back and smiled. "Thank you."

The man hummed and sat up. I tracked his movements and felt my body heat up when I saw his back. Long, bloody, jagged scratches in the shape of a hand ran down his back from his shoulder blade to a few inches above his tailbone. My bloody hand prints spotted his back.

I bit my lip to hold back whatever noise was about to come out of me. Sitting up, I up and crawled over to him and pressed my hoodie clad chest to his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. Loki leaned into my touch and I pressed my lips to his neck.

"You look so pretty covered in blood~" I whispered.

I felt his muscles tense and watched as his cock twitched in his boxers. I hummed softly in amusement before pulling away. I didn't have to see his face to know he wasn't happy about me leaving.

I pulled on the sweat pants from the day before and walked out of the room. In the kitchen was Dante and Koi sipping on what smelled like coffee. I walked to the coffee maker to pour my self a mug and flicked a bug off the counter.

"Not real."

I grunted and took a sip of my coffee that for some reason looked like blood. The bitter bean juice burned my mouth and throat deliciously.

"Crazy cat lady drinks it black huh?" Dante mused.

I looked at him over the rim of my mug. "Like my soul."

The man's grin faded slightly. Beside him Koi chuckled. My eyes crinkled slightly in a smile at her. Loki walked in shirtless shortly after that interaction. Dante cursed and Koi hummed.

"Shit you fucked his back up, crazy." Dante said with wide eyes as he looked at Loki's back.

Koi looked at me with her brows raised, silently asking me wtf happened. I blinked slowly and shrugged before taking another sip of my coffee.

Loki peered over his shoulder at Dante and something sinister in his eyes grinned.

"What are we doing today?" Koi asked no one in particular.

Dante was the one to respond. "Well first we're going to the mall to buy you psychos some new clothes and what not then after that we're getting back on the road."

I sipped my coffee silently next to Loki, who had tucked me into his side, and listened. Koi nodded. "On the road? Where are we going?"

Loki answered this time. "Alaska. Kaktovik to be exact. We have a base of sorts there. Kinda hard to hunt down killers within the arctic circle."

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