Chapter 1

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Salem's POV:

My skin itched with the feeling of spiders crawling all over it. The tattoos of spiders and other bugs I had on my body looked like they were crawling all over me. The light above me buzzed loudly, making my ears ring. I glared at them and scratched harshly at my skin, desperate to get the bugs off.

When my efforts proved ineffective I stood up off the cold marble tiles of my bathroom floor.

I dragged my self to the sink and watched as my bloodied hands stained the white counter. I looked at myself in the mirror and nearly jerked back at the sight of my reflection.

I was standing there, my long black hair falling messily over my face. My minty green eyes were dull and a manic grin stretched across my face. The smile looked much too wide to be natural.

I closed my eyes and turned my face away from the mirror. I needed to do something to stop the itching. Clawing at my skin wasn't working so I had to do something- anything else.

I stepped over to one of the dark wood drawers in the center of my bathroom counter and opened the top one. I hastily rummaged around the drawer before finding my safety pin. I grabbed it and closed the drawer.

Reaching into my large, black, over sized hoodie pocket I grabbed out a lighter and pulled the joint from behind my ear before lighting it and taking a hit. I then sterilize the safety pin, like I had so many times before, with my lighter and without waiting for it to cool; I stuck it through the cartilage of my left ear.

I sighed in relief as I felt the itching slowly diminish. My body took on a numb feeling as the weed curled around my system. I took another hit and blew it out before jumping at the sound of loud banding on my locked bathroom door.

"You dumb bitch you better not be dead in there or I swear to fuck bro I'll kill you!"

I rolled my eyes. "You can't kill me if I'm already dead Koi!" I called blandly.

I stumbled to the door and unlocked it. Opening it to see my childhood best friend. The girl had her arms over her binded chest as she glared at me. She identified as a girl. She was born a girl. But some days she felt like being a boy or rather a more masc female and on those days she binded her chest. Today seemed to be one of those days.

"You look like shit." She said to me. She snatched my joint before I could reply and walked into the large bathroom.

I sighed again and turned around to face her. "You don't look the greatest either asshole and don't just take my joint like that!" My voice started of bland and ended with a tone of indignation.

She really did look bad. Her hair was messy and tangled. Her eye bags looked worse than they did the night before. Her loose t-shirt fell off one shoulder and her sweats sat uneven on her thin hips. Her usually tanned skin was pale and sickly lookin.

Koi blew out her puff of smoke and shrugged; eyeing the bloodied hand prints on my counter. She raised a hand and gestured to the blood. "Another episode?" She didn't look at me as she slid down the cabinets and sat on the floor.

I walked over and sat next to her, taking the joint and hitting it a few times before responding. "Yeah. Still have the safety pin in my ear." I gestured to the small needle.

Koi sighed and nodded. She stood and pushed me into my side with her foot so she could open one of the drawers I was leaning against. I let myself lay there, watching the tiny bugs that were crawling on the floor next to my face.

"Those aren't real. The bathroom is spotless as usual besides the blood on the sink." Koi said tiredly as she pulled me to sit up by my shoulder. She turned my head and stuck a small stud piercing through my ear where the safety pin had once been.

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