The Beginning

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"He's sooo cute, and his look is just indescribable!", Natalie was daydreaming about Brooklyn Beckham again. Helena already had to listen to that the whole week, since Natalie saw a picture of him she couldn't stop talking about him, just like now.

But suddenly she got very sad.

Helena knew why, because Natalie sometimes just had these kind of phases.

"Ugh Helena, do you know how hard it is to think about Brooklyn all day long, but to know that I don't have a chance to meet him or talk to him? I just want to have contact with him."

Natalie sounded like she was about to cry, what she didn't do of course, just as always.

Helena knew it was hard to comfort her, so she tried to distract her. "Heeey, don't be sad, there are enough cute boys, Simon for example.", she said and smiled at Natalie.

Natalie, who couldn't suppress a smile, got into a good mood and started thinking about Simon.

Yes...Simon, I have had a crush on him since 3rd grade but we didn't really were friends and I wasn't confident enough to talk to him sometime. The two years after primary school I didn't really saw him, so my feelings for him slowly faded away. Then in 7th grade he came to my school and he didn't change a bit. Well, yeah, he got older and taller but he was still unreachable for me. And we are also in different classes which made the whole thing even harder for me.
Moreover he was quite different from me. He was more the "Cool" one and I was the "Normal" one. However I didn't fancy him anymore, I just found him cute.

Then I noticed that I still didn't anwser Helena and blushed, because she probably knew who I was thinking about all the time.

"Yeah that's true, Simon's still super cute, but I got over him. I don't have a chance to date him, so why should I still think about him the way I used to?", I anwsered her, but she disagreed: "You don't even know that."

If it were up to Helena I would've already talked to him, but I was too shy and moreover I didn't want to date him anymore, so why should I talk to him?

Suddenly the doorbell rang, it was my mom to pick me up from Helena's.
I said goodbye to her and went to my mom.

During the car ride we didn't talked that much, I prefered being on my phone, checking my whatsapp messages.
Moreover I was looking if there were News about the "World of the Stars" respectively Brooklyn Beckham and actually it was: Brooklyn may comes to Germany, but if he comes, then sadly only to the Baltic Sea. But wait, we're going there next week for our graduation trip.

Because our graduation trip, which is usually at the beginning of the school year and goes to Berlin or Hamburg, is in the first 3 weeks of July and takes place at the Baltic Sea. Since we wouldn't do that much in school in July we took this chance to spend some time with our classmates.

Meanwhile we arrived at home and I layed down on the sofa to tell Helena that we might meet Brooklyn next week.
She was happy for me, but found it unlikely that we would meet him, because the Baltic Sea isn't small.

We texted a little more before my mom told me to pack my luggage, because the trip to the Baltic Sea already starts tomorrow. So that's what I did.

It was hard to close my suitcase, because I literally packed half of my closet in it.

After that i washed my hair and got to bed at approximately 9 p.m. because we had to be at school at 5 a.m. tomorrow.
I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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