Chapter 13: A chaotic game of chess

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~Inko's POV~

It was 1am. Yes. I was at school at 1am.

Why may you ask? Well, it was due to the two missions I got. (Stop breaking the fourth wall Inko.)

I have two missions now. Both need to be completed in one week. Three days already passed.

I opened the window after making sure I disabled the camera's and alarms. Getting into UA is not easy feat, that's for sure.

Now, remember what you need to get. The teacher timetable for the entire sports festival day, as well as two days earlier. And the blueprints for the robots that Nezu uses in the heroics entrance exam. The zero pointer to be exact.

I entered quicker than a shadow, quiet as a mouse. I entered the pin in the filing cabinet underneath Nezu's desk. He sleeps in the cabinet on the other side of the desk in school. I have to be careful. He is right there.

I made no sound as I looked through the files, taking out anything relevant, scanning them, and returning them exactly as they were.

Why do I do this to myself dammit. Nezu is less than 10 meters away from me. I know I turned off all the cameras and alarms, but this is still too easy. UA houses the great Rat Satan.

I couldn't shake off the bad feeling I was getting. Something is bound to go wrong.

I just finished scanning all the documents and blueprints I needed. I was wearing gloves, to not leave any fingerprints. After getting my costume destroyed by Endeavour's flames, I decided to replace it. The money I had saved up from my jobs helped greatly. My hood and mask concealed me perfectly, now equipped with a gas mask, as well as being fire proof and water proof. My voice changer was replaced with something less distorted, and now I sounded like an adult male.

I felt it before I saw it. Glinting eyes in the corner of the room, with a smaller beady pair a bit lower to the ground.

"I should have expected this." I commented through my voice changer, finishing putting away the files, closing the cabinet. "Kurayami. Nezu. Pleased to make an acquaintance, however I should be on my way."

"We don't think so." Crow spoke up. "We'll ask you a few questions, unless you want to get arrested here and now."

I snorted. Who do they think they are to command me like this?

"We are aware there is nothing stopping you from leaving right now. However," Nezu spoke up calmly. "I would really love to play some chess with you. Maybe you will answer a question every time you lose a piece? And we will answer one of your questions every time we lose a piece. If you still win the game, we will stop chasing you until a week after the sports festival."

That will be a lot of questions then, I mused. I usually sacrifice my chess pieces, but I always win in the end.

"Aww that's a shame. I love the chase." I whined. "But sure. I'd love to show you how much smarter I am than you." I grinned under my mask.

~Third Person POV~

"Let's get started." Crow muttered. Is this really such a good idea?

Nezu had already prepared a chess board in the corner. I sat down with the principal on my shoulder. Shadow walked up cautiously, before sitting down as well.

"You may play first." He announced.

"Confident, aren't we?" Kurayami sneered, while Nezu's eyes glinted.

They played for a bit, with the Rat Satan of UA whispering to Aizawa each and every move he needs to make. Shadow was silent. Eventually the vigilante lost a pawn.

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