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08 : 12

It was mid march. Winter would be ending soon.

The streets of los angeles chimed with morning chatter and honking vehicles. Everyone had begun to open up their stalls and restaurants. The black 1965 Cadillac came to a halt in the lot of the lapd. The engine dies down and Josephine leans back into the seat, taking in a deep breath. She hated the cold for many reasons. A few were because her car would become jittery and her nose would be crimson from frostbite. She had extremely pale skin which brought out her features, sandy blonde hair and crystal blue eyes which she inherit from her late grandfather, just like the Cadillac which he insisted she take as a gift. Her grandfather was a lieutenant in his youth. Josephine came from a lineage of cops.

She checked herself in the tiny compact mirror, making sure her hair was pulled into a neat ponytail. She buttoned her blazer, grabbed her briefcase and got out of the car. The cold immediately smacking her in the face. With a low sigh, she head toward the building. Josephine had no friends, just work peers. She felt if she had made these people her friends, then along the way they would lose their respect for her. Her job was top priority.

"Commander", the policeman at the entrance greet, earning a brief nod from her as she passed to enter. She was welcomed with the warmth. The cold stuck outside the walls. "Ms Huntley, Goodmorning ", a few of them greet as she made her way straight to the chiefs office. She cleared her throat, straightening her shoulders and knocking sharply on the shut door. "Permission to enter, sir", her voice penetrate. "Granted", he called out and she entered. "Goodmorning chief", she salute the almost gray man behind the ebony desk. "Commander ", he nod. Josephine shut the door behind them. "You requested to see me, sir", her voice firm. Despite him being her father, Josephine kept boundaries at work. He was her boss , she needed to respect his authority.

"Yes. Take a seat", he gestured. She nod and sat across him, hands resting on her thighs. "It's in relation with your partner, Marcus Loft. His wife had informed us last night that he had come out of the coma". Josephine just nod but deep down she was relieved that he had survived. A month back, they had gone into dangerous territory and her partner had got shot. She did not care for him but she knew he had kids. As a child, she use to fear that her father would die on duty - but here she was, years later , also risking her life and filling in his shoes.

"I'm glad", she said. The chief hummed, resting bearded chin on his raised knuckles. "I do not know when or if he will return to the force. So, we made arrangements for the captain of the NYPD to come to us", he scratched his chin before leaning back into the leather seat. "NYPD? Why does a New York cop have to replace Marcus?", she asked. "Because he is the best and he's being transferred to the lapd. It's a win win situation. You get a captain as your partner and we get another great cop". Josephine was annoyed. She did not need a partner. They only slowed her down. She was tired of protecting their ass when danger attacked. She was the Commander, she needed no-one.

"He will be here by the evening. So for now, go about your day. You're dismissed ", he said and went back to flipping through paperwork which was scattered on the table. Josephine furrowed her brows , there was no way that she was going to argue about getting a partner. Her father may understand but the chief wouldn't. She got to her feet, salute and left his office.

As usual the place always sound like a marketplace. Chatter, commotion , sirens blazing outside, the sound of keys typing. The only place where she got complete silence was her office. Shutting the door, she paced to the table, placing down the briefcase and sitting down. Just for a few seconds, she closed her eyes. Should she be this type of tired at 22? Going to bed after midnight then rising again by 4 am. There were days when she just wanted to lay under the sheets. Staying wrapped up like a burrito in bed. With a soft sigh, her eyes flutter open and she gets to work.

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