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13 : 21

"There was not we found yesterday, apart from her school bag which clearly indicates that she's not lost. Someone took her by force", Detective Bailey informed. Taehyung stared down at the map which Detective Henderson had highlight the route she takes home. "Could they have taken her by vehicle?", he mumbled. "The school bag wouldn't make any sense then. She would have it on her shoulders if she were just carried and tossed into the vehicle. It wouldn't be in the bushes ", Detective Bailey said.

Taehyung placed his index on the map , "So somewhere between here and here". He shut his eyes for a minute, just breathing lightly. His mind hadn't been focused all day. He couldn't stop thinking about Ana crying. Why did he think she was okay? He was such a fool. "Captain?", Bailey called out. Taehyung opened his eyes , "Have your team search the 3 warehouses in that area. There's also a junkyard 10 minutes from her home, have that searched", he instruct. Detective Bailey nod and left his office immediately. "Detective Henderson, I want to know where her parents were when this happened. I need to know if they have alibis. Check in with her school teachers too, I want to know what time they clocked out of work". Henderson nod and left.

Taehyung was going to find this little girl. This was not the first case where a minor had gone missing. He dealt with plenty cases in New York but this was different. He was back in his hometown...It reminded him of yuki and how he would have done absolute anything to shield her from that bullet.

"Knock, knock ".

He lifts his head and gives Josephine a smile. "You've been busy today ", she said as she strolled in. "I brought you coffee. I had an errand to run ", she left the cup on his desk. "Thank you, josie", he smiled and shut his laptop. "How's the Gills case coming along?", she asked. "I gave orders to Detective Bailey and Henderson. They're going to search the warehouses and junkie in that area. I also want to know where her parents and teachers were during that time", he shared. "You work fast", she compliment as he stood. "There's a little girl out there who needs us", he whispered. "I wish I could work faster", he add.

"We will get her home safely ", she encouraged. "Yeah", was all he mumbled as he packed his bag. "Going somewhere?", she asked. "I asked the chief if I could leave early. My apartment is in a state. I'll work from home ", he smiled. Josephine hadn't asked him about Anastasia yet. It just made her feel uncomfortable. She felt as if this new girl was stealing his attention. They were just getting close. "Will you atleast visit me?", she whispered. "Ofcourse I will. Just need to get settled first ", he threw his bag over his shoulder. "Thank you again", he lift the cup. "Welcome", she smiled as he left.

It hurt alot. Taehyung was her first crush. She was gorgeous, yet he wasn't even bothered...



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16 : 11

"You okay?".

Anastasia passed her friend a glance before nodding her head. "You were alittle too quiet in the teachers lounge. Did something happen at the museum?". Anastasia shook her head , "The event was a success. I'm just tired. It's not easy juggling two jobs", she sighed as they strolled to the exit. "You need to stop torturing your body. You're overworking yourself". Ana gave a lazy smile , "Victoria, I work to stay sane". Victoria rolls her eyes , "You need to stop working and find a man. You aren't growing any younger ". Anastasia scoffed , "I'm 25 and independent. I don't need a man to boss me around".

"You're going to die alone! You should give Liam a chance. He can teach me chemistry any day" , Victoria joked as Ana laughed. "Tell that to your husband ", Ana nudged her. "Liam is the standard, girl. He's tall, blonde and stunning", Victoria kissed her fingers to express herself. "I'm not interested ", Anastasia groaned as they exit the university.

"I'm telling you. That man walked out of -", Victoria paused as they both stare at Taehyung. Anastasia's eyes grew wide for a second before a frown took over her face. "Oh my fucking god", Victoria choked under her breath. Taehyung strolled to where they stood. "Ladies", he greet with a smile. "Am I in heaven?", Victoria whispered, earning a chuckle from tae. "Uhm, I'll see you tomorrow ", she touched Anastasia's arm before giggling and walking away. "What do you want?", she asked him. "Noticed your car wasn't around" , he took her bag and piled books from her small hands. "I had a puncture this morning ", she furrowed her brows. "Can I drop you?", he smiled.

"I do not want to discuss anything ", she snapped. "I didn't come to discuss anything. I just want to take you home", he gestured to his car. Anastasia fist her dress, she was hesitant but the way he kept smiling made her want to punch him in his face. "Fine", she muttered and followed him.


Taehyung never failed to glance at her in the passenger seat. It was nostalgic. It felt like 6 years ago . "Why do you look like a homeless person?", she finally spoke. "Oh , I was moving furniture around in my apartment ", he chuckled. Anastasia found it awkward that he smiled so much. The taehyung she knew never smiled unless it was necessary. She was desperate to know how he became a cop - but that would mean bringing up unwanted memories.

"You look beautiful in that dress ", he whispered.

Anastasia ignored him and stared out the window. Taehyung looked at her fist clinging to the dress and he smiled. "Is this it?", he asked as he braked. "Yes", she said and undid the seatbelt. Taehyung turned off the engine and got out of the car, walking around to the passenger side as she got out. "Do you need me to carry those?", he point to the books and bag in her hands. "No", she drawled. "I don't know what you're trying to achieve but just stop. It was a coincidence that we just happened to run into each other. I don't want it to become an everyday thing. Since you aren't taking the hints - let me just be clear and blunt ", she raised a brow. "I don't want to see your face. I don't want to hear your voice. So please, leave me alone", she frowned and walked away into the building.

Taehyung hated how much her words dug into his heart. It was worse than the pain of knives and bullets...He just needed one chance for her to hear him out.


Anastasia shut the door, dropping the bag to the floor along with the books. The tears trickle down her cheeks as she placed her forehead against the door. Seeing him outside the university brought back those buried memories of when he would fetch her when she was a student. Why couldn't he just disappear forever...Why did he have to come back! Why was he making her life a misery all over again?

What game was god playing?

The Husband Arrangement 2 | TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now