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19 : 37

"Smells delicious!", she chimed and clapped her hands as he placed the bowl of spicy rice and chicken infront of her. "Thank you", she smiled as he sat beside her on the floor. "Careful, it's hot", he said while twirling the spoon around in his bowl. "Your apartment is cozy ", she looked around. "It's a mess. Still got alot more to buy", he sighed and took a bite. "I think you've done well so far", she reached out and pet his head. "Hmmm try it ", he point out and she placed a spoonful in her mouth. "My taste buds are rejoicing!", she sang and took another bite. Taehyung chuckled while watching her clap her hands.

It felt nice having a friend...


"Thank you again", she breathed as they laid on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. "You're welcome", he rubbed his full tummy. Josephine had alot of questions to ask him. She didn't feel like prying and asking about his past but she really wanted to know who Anastasia was to him. Should she feel threatened? "Did you go to see her?", the question fell from her lips like vomit which could not be stopped. Taehyung blinked, keeping his focus on the tiny cracks on the ceiling. "Yeah", he whispered. He didn't feel the need to lie. Why should he? Josephine felt her heart tug in an uncomfortable way. Jealousy and pain striking all at once.

"Do you like her?".

Taehyung turned to look at her. "Why are you asking me this?", he whispered. Josephine fist her t-shirt, turning her face to meet his gaze. "I guess I'm just curious. You know how I feel about you", she pout. "I've never expected these emotions before. Feeling jealous is uncomfortable ", she grumbled. Taehyung smiled , "There's no need to feel that way. The director and I have history together", he whispered. "How do you feel about me?", she asked. Taehyung blinked before rolling onto his side, she copied him. "You're a sweetheart", he smiled and held her hand. "You know as your partner, I'd do anything for you. I'd even risk my life", he whispered. "But- I'm not the man for you, josie. Trust me , I'm really not. You need someone who isn't complimented. Someone who doesn't have a history soaked in blood", he squeezed her hand as she stared through teary eyes.

"You're young and smart and so fucking beautiful. Josie, you are without a doubt, gorgeous. Any man would go crazy for you ", he smiled. "I don't want any other man", she whispered. Taehyung sighed , "I told you ,you'd regret that night". She sniffled and shift closer, "I don't regret anything, taehyung. Infact, I'd do it all over again. You make me feel better. When I feel miserable, I search for you. I feel safe when you're near", she trailed. Taehyung furrowed his brows , he knew exactly how she felt. But - his safe place was Ana. "If she hadn't come into the picture, would you have considered being with me?", she asked as the tears creep out. Taehyung was ready to move on. He was ready to drop the weight of his past and finally be with someone else...But fate was playing a game he couldn't control. Anastasia had come back into his life like a flood.

"Yes", he whispered. "I was willing to try things with you ", he gave a tiny smile while wiping away her tears. "That's good enough ", she lift herself, placing her lips on his . Taehyung went blank for a second before kissing her back. It was nothing seductive or exciting - she just wanted him to taste how she felt about him. Slowly , she broke the kiss and dropped her forehead to his chest. Taehyung placed a hand on the back of her head. "I really like you ", she whispered. Taehyung sighed and stroked her head. He couldn't blame himself or her for the situation they were in.

He couldn't even blame Ana.

07 : 23

The Husband Arrangement 2 | TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now