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"Can I drive your car after work?", he chimed while following her into the building. "You can dream about it tonight ", she scoffed.

"Goodmorning Commander. Captain", they greet them as they passed by. Taehyung had the women swooning. "Do I get my own office? Or are we sharing?", he asked. She turned around, holding out her hand as they both halt outside her office. "Go and ask the chief for your own personal space. I love my peace and quiet", she grit before entering her office and slamming the door on his face. Taehyung blinked then smiled , "I'll see you soon, josie ". She sat behind the desk, ignoring him. How was he so full of energy at this part of the morning.


Taehyung knocked on the door , "Captain Kim". The chief gave him permission to enter. "Goodmorning sir", he greet. "Captain, take a seat", the chief gestured. Taehyung gave a nod and obeyed. "Did you sleep well?", he asked. "Yes chief ", tae answered. "As soon as you're settled , you can move out. I know my daughter can be a handful but that's just her personality. She's strong minded with a stone cold heart. Nothing affects her", he chuckled. Taehyung gave a nod , "She is the first female partner I've ever had", tae shared. The chief gave his chin a scratch before leaning back into the seat.

"I'm aware that Chief Harrison had you under strict rules", he lowered his voice. Taehyung nod in agreement. "No one in the lapd needs to know your history before your became a cop. I've had that history cleaned out. I'm not Harrison, I will not have you under lock and key", he spoke. Taehyung just stared at him. "All I need from you is , be a great cop. You've outdid yourself in the NYPD. You're ranked forth most powerful person in the police force. I know you'll do me proud. As for the Commander, bare with her until we find her another suitable partner", he gave taehyung a smile.

"Understood chief", taehyung said as he stood. "Thank you", he add. "Did you need something?", Sage questioned. "Yes. Do I get an office?", he held his hands behind his back. Sage hummed , "I will get Paige to arrange one for you. For now, sit with the Commander. I'm sure there are cases you two can sort out today". Taehyung gave a respectful bow before leaving. He was well aware that his new partner hated him. She was not like every other girl who had met him and worshipped. But - Taehyung hadn't been interested in anyone since Anastasia. Now and then his mind drift to her. Was she happy? Did she move on ? Did she complete her studies? She was just as broken as him 6 years ago. Taehyung was different now. At first he couldn't handle the pain of losing Yuki and Ana. His life turned upside down. Now he just dealt with his life with humor. If he showed everyone his brokenness, they would try to comfort him. They'd pity him.

So - he smiled as if his world were rainbows and flowers.


"Josie", he barged into her office. Seth and her both snap their attention to him. "What did I tell you about manners?", she snapped. Seth's eyes dart from her to him. "Oh", taehyung whispered and went back out , he shut the door and knocked.

"Josie? Can I enter?".

Seth couldn't hide his smile. "Something funny lieutenant?", she frowned. "No Commander ", he wiped the smile off immediately. "Josie?", taehyung called out. "No! You may not enter ", she hissed. Taehyung entered anyway. "Josie. The chief said we should work on some cases together. So we can bond", he walked up to the desk. She had her fists clenched on her lap. All she wanted to do was punch him in his face. "Oh?", taehyung turned to Seth. "Captain ", Seth extend his hand. "I've heard so much about you. It's an honor having you join us", he praised as tae shook his hand. "It's a pleasure ", taehyung smiled. "I'm lieutenant Kennedy ", Seth introduced. "Good to meet you , lieutenant ".

"Lieutenant, I will look into it. Thank you". Seth nod , "Shall I get you coffee, Commander?", he smiled. "No. You're dismissed " , she said while scanning through the sheets he had brought in. Seth nod and left the office. "That boy is whipped for you", he chuckled. "Captain. Why don't you take a seat and shut up before I shove my fist down your throat", she glared at him. Taehyung held up his hands in defeat before taking a seat across her. "What are we working on today?", he took a peek at the notes. His eyes catch glimpse of Neill McGregor. Taehyung knew him from when he use to work for Ben. McGregor was so much younger. "Do you know something?", she asked after catching him daze out. "No", he lift his gaze to her. "Lieutenant Kennedy got us a clue as to where McGregor may be. It's small steps , Captain. But we will catch this son of prick", she stood and adjust her blazer.

"Where are we headed?" , he watched as she gathered her things. "Casino Blake", she answered. "In our uniform? Shouldn't we go like undercover?", he suggest. "This isn't some action movie", she furrowed her brows.

"Let's go".

Casino Blake
10 : 42

"Lapd" , Josephine flashed her badge to the guard outside the casino. "I'm not obligated to allow you inside ", he crossed his arms over his broad chest as he stares down at her. "Well, I will enter whether you allow it or not. I am here to question Mark Clifford ", she frowned. "The boss isn't in", he countered. "Okay then. I will just walk around ", she snapped. "Got a warrant?", he raised a brow. "I did not mention searching the casino. I am allowed to enter", she grit. "Listen little lady. Why don't you take your ass back to your shit car before I fuck those pretty blue eyes", he smirked. "What did you say dick face!", she seethe. "I said leave ", he stepped forward. Taehyung placed a hand on his chest, pushing him back. "You're too close", he grinned. The man stared at taehyung. "We're here to question Clifford", he repeat her words.

"The boss isn't seeing anyone", the guard respond. Josephine furrowed her brows, "You said he wasn't in". The guard rolled his eyes. "We'll be quick. We just have a few questions. We aren't here to arrest anyone", taehyung explained. Josephine was annoyed that taehyung had taken the lead on this. She was his superior! "One condition. I'm gonna have to search you both. Weapons aren't allowed inside". Taehyung nod, "I'm fine with that", he removed his gun from within his coat. "What are you doing?", she snapped. "Cooperating ", he answered. "You're insane to think I'd give up my gun ", she frowned. "Josie. Do you want to question him or not?", he smiled down at her. "I do! But on my terms and conditions ", she seethe. "The world doesn't work that way, josie. It's a give and take situation. Just hand him your gun. It'll be okay", he whispered.

She balled her fists at her side. He wasn't wrong but she was supposed to be on this case! Where the fuck did he spring up from?

"Fine", she muttered and tossed her gun onto the floor. "Come here doll", the guard reached out to touch her but taehyung gripped his wrist. "Eager?", he raised a brow. "You don't have to search her. She has no weapons ", he said. "That was part of the condition pretty boy. I have to search her", the guard smirked. Josephine was going to shoot him in his pathetic face. "I will search her", taehyung offered. Her wide eyes lift to him. "Do not lay your hands on me , kim", she raised her voice. Taehyung sighed, "it's either me or him", he point at the guard. "I do not need this bullshit. I am going in", she tried to storm in but the guard gripped her arm. "Stand down!", she yelled , gripping his shirt and yanking him forward - her fist flying up to collide with his nose. The guard released her arm as he stumbled back. Josephine picked up her gun, aiming it at the man. "I said stand the fuck down", she grit and walked in.

Taehyung watched her disappear. His jaw hanging as he turned to the guard who was pinching his bleeding nose. The man was 10 times her size. "She's insane", tae whispered.


The casino was filled with rich older folks. The place reeked of expensive whiskey and cigars. Josephine tucked away her gun as she searched for the office. Taehyung was quick to rush in and be at her side. "Did you just punch him?", he asked. "Yes", she frowned. "It's either my way or my guns way" , she glanced up at his face before heading to the bar. "Excuse me", she spoke to the bartender. "What can I get you, beautiful?", the man smiled. "Lapd ", she flashed her badge. "Is this a raid?", he was alittle shocked. "No. Where can I find Mark Clifford?". The bartender exhaled , "Take the staircase. His office is the first door on your right". Josephine gave him a nod and walked away. Taehyung would be lying if he said he weren't impressed. He could see why she was the Commander.

The Husband Arrangement 2 | TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now