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"What time will you be home?", Ana questioned while watching him put on his uniform.

"You don't have to wait up for me, baby. I'm not going into the station, I'm going to visit an old friend for a case", taehyung explained , allowing her to adjust his collar. "Which friend?", she asked and he leaned in, kissing her forehead. "You ask too many questions, toots. Just make sure to eat and rest, take a nap if you have too", he clasped her cheeks in his palms and kissed her forehead again. "Is this case serious?", she mumbled as he moved across the room for his watch and ring. "I can't stress how important it is, baby. The chief is up our ass to solve this. He's putting alittle more pressure on me because I grew up in these streets", he sighed.

Anastasia knew how serious he took his job. He risked his life for it. She was afraid that one day he'd leave home and never return and there was nothing she could do to stop fate. Memories of him and yuki never coming home to her , flood her mind. The pain always haunted her— even when they were happy, she was afraid that everything will go wrong. It's as if they were destined for agony and an unhappy ending.

"Ana? You okay?", he noticed how pale she had become. "Taehyung, I was going to wait till you come home this evening to share something with you", she clenched her fists. "What is it, baby?", he questioned. "I don't want to wait for later", she whispered. What is later never came. "I don't want you to leave without knowing that you desperately need to come back home ", she gestured for him to wait, running off into the bathroom. Taehyung stood there confused as she rattled around in there. "I don't want you to go to work and think you're some hero", she rolled her eyes as he smiled. "I'm just helping the good citizens ", he chuckled. "I'm proud of you. I truly am, but I need you to think about me when you're out there risking your life ", she stepped closer. "I do, baby. You're always on my mind , even when I'm risking it all", he stroked her rosy cheeks.

Anastasia clasped his hand and slowly guide it to her stomach— opening her palm, she revealed the little white stick.

"Think of us", she whispered with a shy smile. Taehyung blinked several times before coming back to reality, his heart was about to burst and he felt like puking from the overflowing joy building within him. "We're having a baby?", he stuttered. "Yes", she giggled. "I was going to light candles and blow up balloons, make it all a  special surprise —", he cut her off with a tight embrace. "I love you", he whispered. Anastasia locked her arms around his waist as the tears pooled. "I love you so much, baby. I will always come back home to you", he kissed her head before getting down on one knee. "You too", he kissed her belly. "I am so happy", he breathed. Ana crouched down and wrapped her arms around his neck, "We love you. So, please be safe out there ".

"I will. I promise", he pressed a kiss to her shoulder.

Taehyung never thought the feeling of becoming a father would be this amazing. It was far better than joining any gang or even becoming a proud captain. He was finally content with his life — as if everything he had ever did ,could never sum up to how excited he was for their future. He couldn't wait to meet their little angel. A new wave of emotion had taken over his heart and soul. Taehyung had changed for the best— and now he was going to be a father, he was not going to fuck it up.

"Are you happy?", he cupped her face in his warms hands. "You have no idea", she sniffled. "I'm not going anywhere. You don't have to ever be afraid ,okay? I'll take care of us. We're going to be just fine", he promised and kissed her forehead. Anastasia could trust him, but she could never trust the games that destiny always played with them. She was always on edge and afraid of when their breaking point would appear. "Text me if you need anything. If you have a craving, I'll buy you whatever you want ", he smiled. Anastasia gave a nod as he helped her to her feet. "I'll call if I'm running late", he spoke while they walked to the front door. "Be safe ", she kissed his cheek before he left.

The Husband Arrangement 2 | TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now