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"In the Bangkok city there is a huge mountain called "The mountain of Time"which believes that whatever you wish to the star from that mountain and if there is another person in another timeline who wish for the same in the same Mountain you guys will be the soulmate and your wish will become true and one of them can cross the timeline for their soulmate and if they together come to the mountain and kiss then they have to go back to their own timeline....."

"Hey Non do you even think it will be true the monk surely pranked us and we shouldn't have to come here what a bullshit...."Perth said to non when he's breathing highly after reaching the mountain...
"But if it's true then I can have a peaceful life right....Oh God iam so eagerly waiting to have a lover in these past years and i couldn't find my soulmate if it exist then can you atleast show me whom he is....I don't want to marry that ploy because I don't have that kind of feelings for her..."Nanon sighed and looked at the sky....It's so clear and there are so many starts and it gives the beauty to the mountain...Perth shooked his head annoyingly....
"Are you for real....For a love ooh my god love is nothing but pure waste ....Then if it's true God then show me what is a true love...."Perth said...Then they hang out in that place...

At the sametime but in 2000

"Hey Ohm....why are we here again ....You always like this kind of places and we are here look....It's not that much of easy okay..."Chimon said angrily to Ohm
"Hey chii....you know after whatever happened in my life I always have peace when I came here and there's a belief that when you wish something from here then it will succeed..."Ohm said looking at the sky... Actually it was their usual hangout place after their works and it's not that far from where they are staying....
"So...what is your wish now...."Chimon asked placing his hands on Ohm's shoulder..
"Hmm...it's...today Alex made fun of me to not having a lover and you know from highschool iam always trying to get loved by someone.....So many guys have a lover... Seriously Chimon iam curious how this love things will work...Are you not..."Ohm asked
"Love is always a bullshit for me and I don't believe in love only believe in art and You..."Chimon said looking at Ohm
"Aw....But I think one day you will believe in it..."Ohm said ...
"Ooh then I wish to God that you will get a good lover...."
"I wish it too....God can I get to be in love sometime"
"Then make me believe in love if you dare..."Chimon said smirking....
They talked and made joke to eachother and spend some time there...Chimon draw a picture of Ohm from there...
"now can we go..it's getting late at night..."Chimon asked ohm nodded.
They went to the car and drove from there...They are talking and enjoying their ride .... suddenly
"Hey Ohm.... watch out...."Chimon said but before Ohm can do anything a truck hit their car and they met with a huge accident....

After few days.....

Year: 2023....

"Hey Ohm....wake up....Ohm....Where are we....Shiaa ohm... don't scare me...."A boy who is wearing a T shirt and pants nothing like 2023 calling his friend who is laying down and who also wearing something like that....He looked around and realised they are in a place where they don't know and they didn't saw really ..They are infront of a huge house....
"Where are we exactly....This Ohm....can you wakeup...Or is he dead ...."The boy placed his hands on the other boy's nose to check his breath ..
"No...he's alive but why is he not waking up...."
Then another man dressed in hoodies and having a glass and Mask came towards them...
"It's not a place to sleep...and who are you guys...And what happened to this guy...."Hoodied man asked to him.
"I am Chimon....and I don't remember anything and he's Ohm and he's not waking up..."Chimon said with his innocent eyes and his hair bangs are making his face cute...
"Are you guys my fans or what....can you Please leave me alone and stop this drama...Hey man...wakeup...."The Hoodied man patted on the lying Man that means Ohm...Chimon is confused
"Why are we your fans...And who are you exactly and what in the world are you wearing....It looks cute but am I even in Thailand...."Chimon asked confusedly...
"Iam Nanon ....Nanon Korapat....or 3N and what even in the earth are you guys playing...i saw so many types of fan dramas but this type in 2023 it's already out of year naa khaa..."Nanon said annoyingly...Chimon scratched his back of neck
"Who are you....and what are you thinking even....And is it me or you who have problems....2023 not even in dreams ....It's 2000 right.....Ohm you idiot wake up...stop your dreamy sleeps and handle this guy he's nothing but annoying..m"Chimon slapped Ohm ....Ohm who terrified and woke up ....
"Shiaa Chimon....what in this world are you yelling in the early morning and are we not dead...."Ohm looked around....And saw Nanon who is weird and odd out of them and he eyed Chimon asking who is him and Chimon shrugged annoyingly...
"So I think we are dead and you are the angel right....ooh God iam seeing the angel for the first time..and did the angels have this kind of outfits...To be Frank your outfits are not that good but you are looking good and this glass looks pretty on you...But I can't see your face with that much of hair bangs infront of your face....What in the world an Angel like this..."Ohm said confusedly...
"Can you shut up...it's not that we are dead we have breath and what angel look like this with so much pride...Ooh he's perfectly annoying..."Chimon said...
"Can you guys stop this blabbering and this is my house and you guys are cursing me and spitting nonsense about me infront of my house ...Are you guys my antifan..."Nanon said angerly
"By the way I didn't know you....Who are you....To be your antifan ..."Ohm asked looking at Nanon closely..
"Get out....Or I will call the security..."
"Ooi...we are going and we are not beggers you know...and what in the world you have....You rich brat kid..."Chimon stood up from the ground and dragged Ohm
"But Chimon where are we...do you have any idea .."Ohm asked looking at chimon.Chimon shrugged and tilted his head nervously...Ohm turned back to Nanon who is annoyingly looking at the two of them.
"By the way khun...can I ask you that where are we and what is this place called ..."Ohm asked with his most polite gestures
"It's Thailand ,Bangkok"Nanon said
Ohm and Chimon get shocked Knowing this...They looked each other...
"Why are you guys yelling...and can i really ask you this...Are you not thai....and what are you guys even wearing why are you so old fashioned "Nanon asked looking at them weirdly
"Hey...it's the latest fashion and in Bangkok we have this kind of place ...i didn't even know about it..."Ohm said confusedly...Nanon laughed
"Are you saying this is latest fashion....My dad have even more good fashion sense than you..."
"Hey it's 2000's latest model and you know iam an artist manager "
"2000....Artist manager for which agency...Are you guys the smugglers...or what"
"Hey we are not like that....Iam an artist basically a i have my own studio for my paintings and people know me..."
"And iam under the agency Moj and you know they are the number one production company in Thailand"
"MOJ....i remember in 2010 it went in trouble and it's shut down and they already went bankrupt....And Chimon a painter I don't even know about you.."Nanon is in now confusion...
"2010....wait ....what is this year exactly...."Ohm asked with confusion..
"2023..."Nanon said looking at them with confusion...
"2023????"The two of them yelled .Nanon closed his ears
"Why are you guys yelling....and what is the problem..."
"You are saying this is not 2000"
"And this is 2023..."Ohm and Chimon said.Nanon nodded
"Did you guys have any temporary Amnesia but you guys didn't look old ...."
"Chimon are you thinking like me...."
"Ohm...you are thinking same like me right..."
"Guys....are you for real..."The three of them are shocked.

Now they are sitting in the living room of Nanon's house and Perth rushed there after Nanon's call.

"Non...what happened...and who is this two..."Perth looked the two Weird guys
"Aah....Perth it was a long story...But long story short...They are from the year of 2000"Nanon said...Perth at first shocked then started to laugh.....
"Are you for real Nanon....haa haahaa....you literally believed these guys....You are this much dumb...."Perth shooked his head then went near to Ohm and Chimon who didn't know what exactly happening and what will they do ...
"Can you stop it....We are not someone who pranking you or fooling you...We also don't know how we reached here and what is the purpose we met with an accident and here we are...And now we are realising it's not 2000 but it's 2023...."Chimon said annoyingly and he's almost on the verge of his patience because his mind is not peaceful.Ohm was already in that condition he don't know what's happening and what's going on....
"Perth I checked there info already and in Google there is exactly an accident happened where they say in 2000 and here it is...The persons are actually believed to be dead ...Look at them and their photos..."Nanon showed it to Perth...
"But it can be faked and you know already we are celebrities and fans will play cheap tricks and all ...."Before perth can say anything Chimon said
"Who are you exactly and you guys are saying like you are something and we don't even know you exactly and this place and even this time is not ours....Look ....Mr....We are from 2000 and we even didn't know 2023 is existed and we only know that the other day we met with an accident and now we are here....Can you guys help us or not..."Chimon said...Ohm kept quiet and he didn't even said anything he already felt something strange and he can't describe anything...
"Hmm....I think Okay...we will help you but you have to help me too..."Nanon said with smirking..
"Hey Non what are you upto..we didn't even know them ..."Perth whispered to Nanon
"Do you remember what the monk said the other day...What if I find my soulmate..."Non whispered to Perth
"Hey....Are you serious or what....You believe and do you think these guys are your soulmates..."perth asked shockingly
"What you already know iam into Guys...and i believe in these things...And when I talked with them I realised what the monk said have a probability even there is no possibility...I want a fake boyfriend to stop my engagement so it's fixed we will help him..."Nanon said
"We....No don't include me in these kind of shits..."
"But you are the only person I have ....Now you are abundening me right...Ok enough..."
"Ooii... Enough of your drama Non...But it's only for you fake boyfriend thing but remember iam warning you..."
"You agreed ooh thank you so much Perth ....you are my true friend..."Non hugged perth.Perth actually didn't liked the idea...
"What are you guys discussing there.....Can you guys help us or not..."Chimon asked...
"Ok...But I have a condition..."Non said...
"What is it..."Ohm asked after a long silence
"Ooh you can speak I thought you can't..."Perth said...
"I can if i want not for your accusations....and iam so tired of everything...I want to go back as soon as possible..."Ohm said annoyingly
"So what's the Condition..."Ohm asked looking at Nanon...
"I need a boyfriend...."Nanon said
"Ooh that's so simple...."Chimon said Ohm looked at him Chimon realised what Nanon said...Then they Both looked at Nanon...
"You what....."Ohm and Chimon yelled Unison...They both are shocked...
Perth and Nanon shocked and closed there ear with their hands...Then looked at each other....

Will Nanon get a boyfriend....?


Hey Guys Hope you like the first chapter...if you liked my story then vote and Comment ....

May be it will not turn out that much better because it's the first chapter and iam writing randomly whatever comes in my mind because it's not a pre-planned one or something like my story "You are my soul"...So don't expect so much may some things are out of your imagination and it's a pure fantasy fiction...

As iam a fan of timetravel genre i tried to write these story may be there will be mistakes...So comment your opinions....wait for the Next chapter...

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