7.The Death

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I am so worried about Chimon who is not even trying to listen a bit what am I saying....Ohm and Nanon are not taking their phone...So iam inbetween all these mess and iam trying to calm down and don't break the door of my own apartment's room where Chimon is sitting and not responding...I called him ... I messaged him...no he is so stubborn...A while ago I heard something is broken inside the room ...Now there's no sign of him opening the door....

"Shiaa....Chimon...now i swear to god that....if you will not open the door ....I will break it...for sure...And if i break it...This will not end well..."I yelled at him...He's not responding again...so I decided ...yes iam gonna break this door....

I raised my legs to break in...but before it he opened the door with an expression I can't define...is it sad, worried, nervous or something else...

"Perth....you don't have to break in..."
"What the hell Chimon...how many times I called you...what are you even doing there..."
I entered the room and i saw there's a flower vase which is shattered there in to pieces...I looked at Chimon if he have any bruise...But gladly there's none...and iam a bit relieved to see him...I went to him and hugged him....I took away my pride and decided to say him to stay here with me ....
"Chimon....can you please don't go .....Please stay here ....we can find out our way...And the thing between us...please don't go..."I said tearing up...He hugged me back...I can hear he is also sobbing....
"Why did you take this much time to say this...iam just here only to hear this words ...."Chimon said inbetween his sobbing ...I am also crying... I don't know for how much time we stayed like that...

"Perth ...."
"Did you called Nanon....Ohm is not picking up...."
"I called two of them...where will be they...."
"Can we go to his house..."
"I think that's better....And also we want to go to the meeting...it's already morning..."

We then went to search for Ohm and Nanon ....

We reached Non's house there we saw his father is a bit tensed up...Did anything happened...I looked at Chimon....His home's situation is a bit messed up...as we entered there....

"Hmm...Uncle...where is Nanon..."I asked his paa...But he gave me an angry and annoyed look....

"Perth....what is really happening....the other day he came to us and told us he have a boyfriend and he made a whole drama infront of us daily....And look at him now...I warned him...not to reveal it in public...But it already been in public...Iam so disappointed in him....Now he's not even opening the door...He and his so called Boyfriend are now in the room and didn't even responding to me...from the night..."His Paa said....His Mom look a bit tensed....
"Didn't he say something....Maa... didn't you called him..."
"We called him to open the door...But he is not opening and he didn't even picking up the calls....Perth iam a bit worried....Can you take a look on them...Please tell him we will not be angry at him....And we will accept he and his boyfriend....Just tell him to open the door...."
Hearing his mom me and Chimon got tensed up...What are they doing...and why are they not saying anything and why are they not even opening the door....I looked at Chimon

"Perth.... something happened to Ohm..he will not do something like this .... Atleast he will say something to me...it's serious....Can we go look for them..."Chimon said worriedly...I nodded...I went to Nanon's room door ..and knocked...Me and Chimon called them....

"Non...what are you guys doing...just open the door...Non..."
"ohm....open the door....Are you guys okay... Ohm....it's Chimon...Open the door ....we are not moving out....open the door damnit..."

Then after a few minutes of convincing...they opened the door and me and Chimon went inside....There we saw a complete broken Ohm &Nanon....They are nothing like yesterday....I think they cried for so long....

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