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Nanon asked for a favour from Ohm and Chimon if they wanted their help.
His condition was he wanted a fake boyfriend to break his engagement with ploy...

"What.... Boyfriend....But you are a boy "Chimon said
"Same sex love is prohibited right..."Ohm asked .Nanon can say clearly that Ohm and Chimon can't accept it.
"Non you literally forget that they are from 2000 and in 2000 same sex relation may not be common like this and may be even illegal "Perth whispered
"Ooh...It's common actually nowadays and also iam gay....But my father want me to marry a girl...it's so much for me ...."Nanon said annoyingly and uninterested
"But ...."
"No but I will not allow it...It's not good to be in a same sex love"Chimon said with anger
"Who told you to be my boyfriend...You are already looks shorter than me and also with this look and your talking my parents will never believe that you are even my friend"Nanon despised Chimon...
"Yaa you have very bad taste in even friends ...look at him looks like a rockstar but actually a monkey..."Chimon said looking at perth
"Hey did you mentioned me..."
"Ooh you got the right answer ..."
"You ..."Perth was out of his patience by that and he came towards Chimon ...But there is something on the floor so he directly landed to Chimon and both of them fell on the ground like Chimon on top of Perth...
"Wow that was fast ....You said you don't want something with another boy and look at you in top of my friend and the look in your eyes...How romantic right Ohm..."Nanon said with a chuckle and Looked at Ohm he is about to laugh but can't laugh because if he even chuckle his friend will burry him alive ...But actually where can he burry it's 2023 right....So sad i can't even decide this now...Ohm is in deep thought like that...
"Hey Ohm...what are you even thinking at this moment come these guys are never gonna be okay...Let's go"Chimon who somehow got up from perth dragged Ohm.
"Hey...then atleast let him say something about this..."Nanon said looking at Ohm.Ohm looked at Chimon who gave him a gaze..
"Look,Nanon ....It's not like iam against same sex love or anything like that...But you can't fake your love and lie to your parents like that...You can talk to them nicely right and let them know you are into Boys and the problem will be solved.."Ohm said with a smile..
"If that's all then the problem will be solved long ago...It's not that much of easy Ohm...and can you do me this favour .."Nanon show his dimpled smile and puppy eyes.That look gave ohm a unknown feeling...
"No...We are going..."Chimon said and dragged ohm from there.
"Hey ,chii where are we going...Do you know this is not easy like this...Our life is really messed up..."Ohm said and Chimon gave him a look and then walked fast ohm didn't have any other choice so followed Chimon...

Chimon and Ohm are walking through the city aimlessly .They are amazed because how the city changed in one night but actually 23 years what was these all ..and they don't know what to do...They literally even tried to hit by other car but got a lot of cursing from the cardriver so they stopped that....
"You ...You are the reason for us to just walk here aimlessly look at all of this... Atleast if we tell him nicely he'll help us.."Ohm said whining because he's already tired of this roaming around and he's damn hungry...
"What the hell are you saying ohm we can't be include with that guys because how can you agree with this same sex love thing.."Chimon said shaking his head
"Hey chii,even you don't believe in love don't say it like that because in my opinion love is borderless and it has no limits or anything just realise it ..And we are not in 2000 okay you have to behave Chii"Ohm said because something in Nanon made him interesting
"Aww ...Now you are blaming me...Why?? you like him"Chimon asked with a smirk
"No...Did I say that and i don't think am into Boys though"Ohm said hiding the nervous
"Yaa ...."Chimon said with a mocking tone
"Hey ...but iam hungry ...What will we do..."Ohm said whining
Suddenly they heard someone singing 2000 song....it was Ohm's favourite song so they followed where the song came from atleast they can ask help from someone right...
There are lots of people gathered and someone singing in the middle it's like a music band's show..

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