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After 2 years...

"Meet ..khun Nanon Korapat .....really nice to see you after a long time.... again with a new hit song..."The interviewer greeted Nanon  ...They greeted back with a smile...

"So Nanon...you are the one who wrote this song right...Looking into the title first..."my universe is you..."
What you really referred here..."Interviewer asked Nanon...Nanon smiled....

"I got this idea from my constant dream krub....i thought about a particular person who came only in my dreams and I just wrote it just like that...."

"Can we know about the person"

"As i already said...It was just a dream...and i didn't even know about this person...and I don't know the person is even existed..."

"That's strange..."

Everybody chuckled...

"And other thing is...it's a first  single MV for me ....so I thought we have to make a different  theme... that's why I selected universe topic..."

"You sometimes go so much depth..."Nanon chuckled hearing this...

"The guitar part was very well done it was done by your friend and band member Perth right "

"Right ....he's a very good guitarist...and i trust him...when I said this idea...he's the one who help me to wrote the song...it's our dream project ..."

The interview went on like that....

In these 2 years there are a lot happened....But the only thing constantly happened in Nanon and Perth's life is the dream...Nanon have this dream of someone and he don't even know the person but the scenes he saw us like a movie....so he's trying to find this person whom he don't even know the person existed...but he thinks that his missing part of life is only completed by that one person....The person he thinks he loved once but don't know when , where and how....

"Non...."Perth called Nanon who is in deep thought ..Nanon turned towards Perth....

"You are in deep thoughts....what are you thinking..."Perth asked to Nanon...

"2 years....it's been 2 years...iam searching for him...who is this Ohm really Perth....and who is this Chimon...why are we having this constant dreams...and in our dreams we are in love with the persons...and when I close my eyes i can only see his smile and him calling me "Non"...."Nanon said with a deep sigh...he's tired about the fact that he can't find this person anywhere...

"Do you think iam in relief... I don't even believe in love but why it seems like he is someone i want in my life...I can see his art...he's painting and iam behind him hugging ....there are so many unsolved puzzles Non....after returning from the mountain.... it's all because of that mountain i think...iam tired of this really..."Perth said hitting the stearing wheel of his car...

"Can we go there in the mountain now..."Non asked...Perth looked at him...

"Are you serious...we have an event in an hour...we can go after that...there are so many fans coming to the event in central plaza...we can't ditch them..."Perth said...Nanon nodded...

"I don't know my mind is saying that something is gonna happen today....it's uneven..."Non said...

"Shiaaa....do you feel the tension too.... I don't even know why my heart is beating like this..."Perth said...Nanon nodded....They talked in the whole journey...and they seemed to be relieved....it's perth and Nanon's show where they sing and there's a small fan gathering too...

They reached at the event and dressed up...also they done their makeup...

"Nanon...Perth the event just started you have to sing the new song here...are you guys ready right..."Their Manager came to them and asked...They nodded...and they followed their manager to the event...

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