6.Making confession

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I didn't thought they moving together will make me this jealous they are friends right...but why am I this anxious about it...Is he that important to me...Ohm is packing his bag and don't looking at me...Iam standing there like a statue and looking at him without knowing what to say and do ....It's all over silence and it caught me ....

"Ohm....are you sure"I asked finally because I don't want him to go with Chimon...
"What Nanon...about going...I think it's better for us ...and look at the news all over in the media...it will be a big mess if they know more about me...and iam staying at your home.."
I don't have anything to defend...so I stood there like that...iam so frustrated ...what if me and Perth is not this famous then we don't have to face this toxic fans right....they all are now blaming and making news against Chimon and Ohm... I don't know from where they got to know about Ohm and Me...I nodded to him and I don't want to stay in that room where we laughed and spend time with eachother till this morning....
I tried to walked out from there...but before I go Ohm came and grabbed my hands...I looked at his hand and him....
"Non...I know what you are thinking...at least don't blame yourself naa...it's not your fault...I know how is an artist life even I lived in 2000 because at that time am an artist manager...I know struggles of artists..."He said...then smiled at me...I smiled at him....
"Finally...you smiled....Keep this smile for me okay....and you can visit us whenever you want because it's your condo right..."Ohm said...I nodded...
"What's with this pout... you are my good boy right...you have to attend the meeting tomorrow right...."I nodded...
"Then come here...we can sleep right...It's getting late...If you didn't sleep today your eyes will be puffy tomorrow in your event and you will not look nice..."Ohm said pushing me to the bed...I layed on the bed...he layed beside me..

For an hour iam staring at the safe roof of my own house that iam seeing for so many years and the sleep is yet coming to me...And this is becoming so frustrated ....The silence is killing me too...I want to say to ohm don't go just stay with me and I love you can you be my real boyfriend....etc....But iam afraid...what if he misunderstood my intentions and he don't like me...what if he will be gone from me...What if i confess and then he go from this timeline and i become alone and stuck here without him....so I didn't dare to speak...

"Non... didn't you asleep..."Ohm asked in a slow tone...
I hummed...
"Hey...Non... don't be silly...naa...you know all of this happening around us right...then why are you behaving like a child..."
I turned my back to him because when I look at him iam afraid I will tell something appropriate or do anything to him that I will regret it later..
He went silent when I done so....
After sometime to my utter shock he hugged me from behind and put his head on my nape....he closed his distance by closing his mouths to my ear....
"Non...."he called me like a whisper...Shiaa it gave me chill through my spine.....I suddenly turned to him but it was a wrong move because my lips brushed to his lips when I turned around...Another mistake of mine....I looked into his eyes ...he looked into my eyes too...We were lost in eachother's eyes and the sudden kiss....It was not supposed to happen but what happened is happened....But this is going to be out of control ....and iam lacking of patience....
"Non...."Ohm called me...Shiaa....he's making me crazy....I looked at him and placed my finger in his mouth....
"Ohm...do you know....you are making me crazy now....it's better to sleep....If you look at me like this iam damn sure I can't control my self..."I said looking at him...he pulled my fingers...
"What if the feelings are mutual then..." What ....what did he mean by that....I looked at him confusingly...
"Ohm...what are you...."before I can complete my sentence he grabbed me by my neck and placed his lips on my lips....I was in a shock about what happened ....i didn't expected it from him so I couldn't reciprocate....He kept kissing me...Ooh God he's a good kisser...did he have any experience or what.... Suddenly he pulled from me ...Shiaa...why did he do that I was just started to enjoy it but he pulled from me so fast... Didn't he liked my lips ....If I knew he will kiss me then I will just put my new lip balm and all...
But i was not ready to lose that lips so now it's my turn because he proved me now that the feeling is mutual...if this kiss will lead to something else ..iam ready to face the consequences but now at this moment I can't keep myself back from this....I couldn't keep myself back from him and his lips....

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