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Today's Chapter contain more PerthChimon moments....If you are expecting OhmNanon moments we will see it in the next chapter because I think PerthChimon needed their own Pov's and their own side story....I have to give equal importance to my two couples because even this story contain more about ohmNanon PerthChimon are also main leads in this story....

"What if two people who don't believe in love cross path together...We are like that two people who don't believe in love but fell in love with eachother without knowing...The time's curse is also fell on us...Are we meant to seperate or Are we meant to be together "


Me and Perth are finding the art properties for me...He is helping me to take all things...he brought me a canvas , paints , painting pallets etc...that I needed the most...i told him those are a bit expensive and i only need a painting book now later we will buy some other day...but he didn't let me...He told that he want to see my drawings...Iam seeing now him in different angle...I can't help but feel something inside me about him... What's this strange thing ...when I heard his singing I also felt the same thing when I saw him play the guitar I felt the same thing in my mind...and i didn't realised that iam looking at him for this whole time...Shiaa ...what an awkward feeling....I looked away from him avoiding his gaze when he tapped and i came to reality...

"Hmm...do you want some shirts or anything else...as you don't have anything..."Perth asked me...

"Hmm...it's okay I have some pairs of shirts and pants ....iam mostly in that condo right so...i don't need a lot..and you already spend a lot for me now....I even don't have a job to pay you off"I said pouting...

"Aww...come with me..."He grabbed my hand and interwined it with his hand...I looked at our holding hands and smiled....Then we went to a big shop in the mall...He make me try a lot of dresses...

"Hey Perth...it's alot...did a person need this much??" I asked at Perth who is already bought me a bundle of cloths and still not ready to stop it....Is he not aware of me...he's avoiding what iam saying...now my patience is at its edge...

"Shiaa perth....can you hear me...and why are you not listening to me...look at you...why are you so nice to me so sudden..."I yelled at him...Everyone in the shop are now Looking at us...I looked around...He looked at me with an expressionless eyes...

"Chimon...why are you yelling..."He asked me in low tone..

"Because you are not listening to me..."I said shrugging off..I don't care about anyone around me...why should I..

"Ooh...iam just helping you...and look at you...Please pack these I will pay ....And you shut up now and follow me if you want..."he said angrily and walked...I stood there like what happened to him...Did he the one who made me annoy and why is he angry....Anyway I don't have any other way...so I choose to follow him...He have a lots of bags in his hands...I tried to help him to carry that...He put all the bags to my hand ....What am I a weighing mechine...I can't carry all that...I looked at him... pouting...

"You have to carry all that...when I tried to be nice with you....you just made a scene there...God knows what will be in social medias now..."He sighed...Shiaa i didn't realised it...

"But you annoyed me... that's why...I told you I don't want this much..."I said pouting...but my face is all covered with the bags...

"Serves you right..."He said and walked from there....What the hell is he the one I admired a minute ago...But I didn't noticed someone was in my way...so I just hit that person...

"Sorry krub...."
I said and tried to look at the person..

"Hey mon...What are you doing here...and what's with this much things..."Ooh it was my saviour my dear friend Ohm...

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