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Author's Pov

"Nanon... what happened just say it..."Ohm asked looking helplessly to Nanon who is hugging Ohm tightly and crying....

"Perth....just say it....it's not like we are going anywhere..."Chimon said in the same expression and situation as Ohm...

"Noo....Ohm...please don't leave me ....I will not let you go without me...and If you go i swear I will jump from this cliff and take my life... I can't live without you damnit..."Nanon said...ohm is dumbfounded ....he didn't understand why Nanon and Perth behaving like this...He looked at Chimon....He was in the same situation as Ohm...But suddenly Ohm realised his hands are fading bit by bit....

He was shocked and pulled back from Nanon....Chimon looked at Ohm confusedly...Ohm looked at Chimon if he's also feeling these kind of things...

Chimon also realised his hands are fading...so he also become shocked and pulled back from Perth...who is tearing up...

Perth and Nanon confusingly looked at Chimon and Ohm....

Ohm suddenly hide his fading hands from Nanon... because he don't want Nanon's situation more worser...then smiled at him...

Chimon also done the same with Perth....

"Are you done with your crying....my cry baby..."Chimon asked Perth mockingly...He already realised that Perth know something that related to his condition now...but he don't want Perth to be more worried...

"Why are you guys crying by the way...Hey Non....we are just here to enjoy the vecation and look at you crying like a small baby...And i already told you I will not leave you that easily..."Ohm said to Nanon....

"I am afraid Ohm... I don't know but I have this thought ...and this place ...now exactly it's looking like what the monk said will happen..."Nanon said with teary eyes...

"What monk...and what are you saying...what about this place..."Chimon asked...

"A monk said this is the mountain of time and If we pray something and in another timeline another person also wish the same...it will happen in your life...and they are considered to be soulmate...and it's just like what happened to us...and you guys travelled the timeline just to grand our wish....and one day if the two of us came here together again...and kiss you guys will go back to your timeline... That's what a monk said to us...we just tested if it's working or not...and it worked and now all these happened... I don't know what will happen next....I can't let you go Chiii.... I can't take risk....Non .... come let's go...we can't stay here more...."Perth said ...and grabbed Chimon's hands....Nanon also nodded and grabbed Ohm's hand....But they suddenly realised what is happening to Ohm and Chimon....They looked at eachother with a shock...and they can't believe it's happening.....

"Ohm...what is happening....what is this....what the hell is this..."Nanon yelled...

"Noo....you can't go like that ...Chii...I will not let you go..."Perth yelled....

"Hey Non... just calm down....we can find a way..."Ohm said...trying to calm Nanon but he himself is trying to somehow resisting the falling tears...

"Is there any hope for us..."Perth asked to Chimon...to which Chimon lost his all control...he started to cry... Perth also can't stop his falling tears...Perth hugged Chimon....

"Perth.... I don't want to leave you...save me perth ....please..."Chimon said inbetween sobbing....He just realised he's slowly fading after all ...

Ohm also hugged Nanon....

"Non.....just sing well naa.... eventhough i cannot be with you I will be always thinking about you....hope we will meet again in another life....just wait for me Non...."Ohm said ....Nanon shook his head in between crying ...then hugged Ohm...

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