3.Learning to live

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"Paa...Maa...meet my boyfriend Ohm Pawat"Nanon introduced Ohm to his parents.Ohm was nervous as hell Nanon also worried a bit but took all the courage..
"What...You have a boyfriend"His father was shocked to see him and Ohm standing with their hands interwined...

His father have a reputation and he is the type of parent who want his son to be famous and achieve what he can't in the past..He was the owner of "Uniquefragrance".a famous perfume making company and he is a well known person Nanon's Mother is house wife who like to follow his Dad's order and also help him in the business.They have high value in society and Because of Nanon they too are famous..
"But...Non...what about Ploy..your engagement is fixed right.."His mother asked
"Did I told you I want this engagement ...Mom I love boys not girls...Iam gay...even I don't have a boyfriend I can't marry Ploy and also I don't want to ruin her life also.."Nanon said
"You are just confused...And how can you do this...You can't ashame us like this infront of people...And you are a famous singer..What are you thinking when you do this type of things..."His paa was so angry and Ohm just feared because of his look...
"Paa...you think your son's career more important than his love life...People who truly love me and love my singing didn't judge me...What is there to do with my personal life and my songs..."
"But non..."
"Mom...in these all years I do what you guys said now just let me do what I want...And if you want this out in public then you can disown me paa ....And if you don't want to let this out and ruin your reputation just accept me and my boyfriend..."Nanon said with a smirk because he clearly know his father will not have any other options...
"You....I don't want to create a scene here because you know everything....Just behave yourself..."Nanon's Father stormed inside and his mother looked at Nanon and Ohm ....

Nanon who is looking at Ohm and blinking his eyes...Ohm is now in fear..will they kill him or what...But because of Nanon's smile he is definetly sure either he's trapped here in this world...Or he will return to his world but can't let go of this guy...
Nanon's mother also followed his father...
"What are you thinking Ohm...no one will welcome us here so we have to go inside by ourselves and don't worry we will find out our ways to solve all the problems"Nanon said dragging Ohm inside ..Ohm was amazed by the view of the big house and all the facilities...He followed Nanon to his room...
"Ooh god ....Iam too tired.."Nanon sitted in his bed and looked at Ohm who is looking around like a baby who seen something for the first time...Nanon can't take his eyes from Ohm...but when Ohm looked at Nanon he looked alway
"Hmm ..so now you help me right..."Ohm asked..Nanon is too irritated with Ohm only with this question..."Why is he so hurry to go to his timeline ...Is he having someone there..."Nanon thought to himself
"Hmm... first you have to sit here...And you know what now you are trapped with me and can't escape for atleast 2 month and we will find out our way in between that time.. You can't go like that by abundening me..You know that...Then why I trained you and your friend for a whole week avoiding my all schedules..."Nanon said he don't want Ohm to go
"Aww...What...2 Month???"Ohm's eyes widened by the thought...
"Why?? do you have any unfinished business there or someone important"Nanon asked his curiosity is killing him..
"Actually...You know what's my dream then..But promise me you will not laugh at me...."Ohm started to talk..He's comfortable with Nanon now for the whole week Nanon is traing Ohm and Chimon How to live in 2023..
Nanon came closer to Ohm to clearly hear what's he talking...
"Ok promise I will not laugh"...
"I don't have a lover back then...I really wanted to know the feeling of love and how it will be like having a lover...So it was my dream having a lover holding hands with eachother and loving them unconditionally and doing silly things with them ..."Ohm said with a smile...Nanon for this whole time looking at Ohm and observing Ohm's movements and his smile... He found someone like him ..
"What are you looking at"Ohm asked
"Hmm...I said...your dream is good actually you know something...Iam sure you will not believe me when I say this... Actually I have the same dream before I search for a fake boyfriend..."Nanon said with a sad smile
"Hmm...I think your parents are nice...why did you choose this way...You can directly say it that you are gay right..."
"After all that drama you saw there you are thinking they will accept me like that and break my engagement...Noo...They don't want a son to love they only want a son to proud of...when I started to grow up they are like this... Whatever their choice I have to accept it ...If I didn't accept they will blackmail me with their love to me...You know I really liked singing but when they found out my passion in singing they made me an artist ....I really hate this field ...I don't like this fame and all...People are so much nosy and i didn't even have permission to date someone ... That's why I Wanted to do something for me...First i searched for a real lover...But I couldn't find one because you know everyone are just behind my money and fame not at all for my love ....So I wanted to stop this engagement without hurting anyone more but wanted to expose me...So I choose this plan to have a fake boyfriend...and look now you are also involved in this mess...Sorry to drag you in my messed up life but I promise I will find out a way for you to go back to your time line"Nanon said his eyes are teary...Ohm can't take that teary eyes of Nanon... He came closer to Nanon and placed his hands on Nanon's cheeks...Then wiped his tears
"Everything will be alright naa...Iam with you now right..."Ohm said..Nanon hugged Ohm ...It was unexpected and Ohm was a bit shocked but he avoided it and hugged back Nanon...Then after sometime the two of them came to reality and they pulled back...
"Hmm...I have a schedule today do you want to tag along or you are going to Chimon"Nanon asked for breaking the awkwardness..
"You are going to sing...And you are inviting me.."Ohm asked with wide eyes and a smile..Nanon nodded...
"Sure I will come with you...But what if will people ask about me... eventhough iam from 2000 I was an artist manager so I know everything about this industry ...So people will be curious right..."Ohm asked
"Hmm.. Let's say we are boyfriends"
"Hey..Nanon don't play it's not time to play...We can't say that your reputation will be down...When people' know you are into Boys it will look like bad right..."
"Ohm...First of all you have to know that it's not 2000 and people are not that much against homosexuality may be they didn't like the fact but if they are surely my fan of anything they will support me for sure.."Nanon said ohm also felt its right..
"Hmm... so you are introducing me to your fans or what.."Ohm asked nervously..Nanon chuckled at Ohm's innocence.
"You dumbo..iam not going to do that because i don't want to fake my relationship infront of my fans ... atleast for now...You can come and we can say we are friends right...And you can also invite Chimon.Whatevee it will be nice right that you guys are never been in a big concerts and all ...There will be so many peoples and i can bring my extra so I can invite you ...And perth can bring his extra one so he can invite Chimon.."Nanon shrugged..Ohm also thought it was a nice idea.. Because Ohm wanted to go to Nanon's programme and he wanted to experience..
"Hmm...But you have to remember what I taught you it's nothing like your 2000 okay...People are more free and you have to be careful.. everyone will not be nice as you see.. Okay You can't go anywhere from my eyesight "Nanon said with a serious tone..
"Hmm can I ask you something"Ohm hesitated but Nanon nodded
"Hmm...I don't have anything nice to wear so what will I wear and can I ask for a job or anything else as you say I will stay in this world for 2 month I don't wanted to become a bother to you"Ohm said
"Hey ...first of all its not a bother...But iam damn sure you will be bored here and iam always busy with my schedules so I will help you we can discuss it after concert Okay"Nanon said.Ohm smiled Nodding
"And about the dress you can wear whatever dress from the wardrobe there and wear something casual okay I will be back because I have to take a shower "Nanon said and walked from there to the next room

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