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They reached at the concert...

Nanon: "Ohm remember what all I said....Just sit there and I can't go with you people will notice..."
Ohm nodded and smiled at Non....Perth glared at Chimon...Chimon avoided it ...

Chimon: "hey ohm... what's with the pout now..did you miss your boyfriend..."Chimon said mockingly..Ohm slapped Chimon in the hand
Ohm : "hey it's not joke...and remember he's not my boyfriend for real...and his father looks so scary...only God know what will happen to me..come let's go inside and find out spot...but it's looking so big event right...its my first time and I wonder what it will look like"
Chimon : "Do you think I even seen these things..Anyway can you move with me a bit fast in the condo...I can't tolerate that guy...Perth...he is the number one asshole.."
Ohm : "you are now talking like him...did you realising it "
Chimon : "ooi this guy...common come fast..."

They went to inside of the hall and say in the 2nd row that's their seat...

Then so many people sat in there...So many of them have different coloured light sticks... Nanon's pictures... Perth's pictures and also many placards....
Ohm and Chimon sated there wondering looking at the stage...The stage itself is so big and also so many lights and decoration...Then Nanon and his band entered....

"Sawadeekrub.....How are you everyone.... Hope today will be a good day and you guys will like our song...."

Nanon said his entry speech and everyone cheered for him...Nanon smiled and then started singing...
Ohm waved at Nanon when he saw Nanon is looking around inbetween the singing....Nanon smiled and waved back...Ohm was too excited and he felt so good when he hear Nanon's songs..He couldn't take his eyes from Nanon because Nanon was too charming and hot also sometimes cute when he singing....

Chimon was so stunned when he saw perth's guitar skills perth sing together with Nanon and etc..amazed him.
"Did this arrogant man have this much skills ...wow amazing and what's his look did someone can be this handsome when he sing ..."Chimon can't take his eyes from Perth... perth also looked at Chimon in between and their eyes locked for a moment...

"Why is he looking at me like that ..."Perth thought and then he came back to reality...

Nanon was side eyeing Ohm who is straight looking upto him..Ohm were enjoying Nanon's singing too much...

Suddenly someone who is sitting near Ohm tried to flirt with him...

"Are you alone...And with the eyes you are looking...I think you are big fan of Nanon"The guy asked Ohm

"Yaa...I am..just now I become his fan...And I came with my friend..."

"Ooh you look cute with this outfit..."

Ohm tried to smile with the man...

That man kept flirting with Ohm and ohm tried to avoid it and concentrate in Nanon's song..Chimon is not aware of this as he is amazed by Perth...Nanon while singing looking at Ohm noticed it and he felt irritated...But he can't do anything...Ohm was too irritated by this and he stood up from there and dragged Chimon and went Out...Nanon saw it and also Perth.They can't abonden the concert so they couldn't do anything...Ohm got up and tried to escape from there..and told Chimon about this...He was so angry and going to punch that guy...But Ohm said it's not good to fight in between the concert...It will affect their concert..so they walked from there and thought to wait outside..

Nanon who is rushed to Ohm after ending the concert quickly...Perth following him...Lots of fans are disappointed by his actions.But he didn't care..He saw Ohm and Chimon standing in a corner and eating icecreams...He sighed

"how can these two enjoy icecreams while look at us who abandoned the fans"Perth sighed...Nanon find it cute while Ohm enjoying his icecreams..His lips are covered with ice creams...And he's scolding Chimon to eat properly...Nanon shooked his head with a smile...Ohm who saw Nanon smiled and waved...

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