9.The trip

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"So ...what you are saying...you and that boy we saw with you are in a relationship"

"You are gay...mr perth..."

"Are you not afraid about the fans "

"Are you going to be away from this music career..."

"What is you message for fans..."

"Who is that guy...can you give us the details..."

"Where did you find him and for how many years are you guys in relationship.."

"Can you tell us your love story"

Like that iam just frustrated by a lots of questions....and it make me irritated too...Iam sure Nanon also must be as same as my situation too...We are infront of the medias and attending the press meet...There are two purposes....one to announce and promote our new song which will be going to release the day after tomorrow....and the next purpose is to clear the rumours which are spread....We thought it through yesterday before the confession that we will be hiding Ohm and Chimon from the media...and let end the talk saying they are our just friends because we really don't want to drag them in to the mess.... But the things are changed from yesterday night....The whole thing happened was unplanned and I can't hurt Chimon like that.... Eventhough he will support me whatever my decision will be....I looked at Nanon who was in same situation as me....and iam sure he is thinking about Ohm just like me...I gathered my courage and looked at Nanon...and i blinked my eyes to him...He sighed and nodded....

"We have to let this out and the people you saw with us recently are just our friends ...nothing more like you say...and we are a bit more close to them..."Nanon said...i nodded too...

"And the kiss that's a big news nowadays was just an accident that we tripped when we walk ...and that person don't have anything to do with this ...and me being gay was out of question and also...I have a request to my fans not to make a big mess when it's a little matter... don't drag the person again in my life and also it's my personal life to being gay or any sexual...and dating someone....fans have to distinguish personal and public life ...so I hope no matter what iam you love my songs and me...Just end this mess okay...."I said smiling but inside of me iam more worried about Chimon hearing this all..and i wonder what will be his reaction and our relationship status from now on....

We then talked about the upcoming project of us...Then we talked with the CEO and also our manager....They are all happy that we just hide the fact of us dating....Our teammates are very supportive and they told us to even reveal it...But because of their future also with us ...we choose to hide everything...and we can't avoid the fact that...Chimon and Ohm are not from this timeline and iam sure once they are revealed....then it must make a big chaos...And they can't even handle that....

Then me and Nanon are ready to go to home now it's too late....And I tried to call Chimon and he told me he's okay...and he saw the positives coming...And I also checked him time to time until he got mad and told me to focus on my works...

Me and Nanon are in the car..iam the one who is driving and Nanon is in the co driver seat...his face is pale and iam sure something is going on in his mind .he is looking out to the window and admiring the beauty of night view......Normally out night drives are more cheerful and we will not be silent like that...we always find something to tease or talk or even discuss with eachother...and it's really frustrating to be like this...

"Hey non....did you hear me..."I called nanon

"Haah.... Perth...what did you say..."Nanon looked at me...

"What are you thinking Non....are you upset..."I asked to him eventhough I know his answer i just wanted to break the silence....

"I don't know perth...why our fans wanted to know our personal things and interfering alot...and making assumptions about us...if things are not like this...if we are not famous then we can live peacefully with our boyfriends right...and we don't have to mind anyone we can date them we can go out ....we can do everything like normal lovers do....I want a normal life Perth....I wanted to cherish as much as I have time with Ohm...Our life is not even going smoothly.... right..."Nanon said....letting out a sigh...

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