What Was That Dream..?

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PG 2: What Was That Dream..?

TW: gore, blood, alot of just gorey stuff

Cesar woke up, sweating. He had one of the same dreams he had been having, about this weird Dessert place. He could never remember the name of it though.. That's besides the point. 

 In this dream though, it was way different. Everything was covered in black goo, which turned into a Blood red color. He was trapped in a room, A long room. Basically a hallway with how long it was. It went on for miles and miles, and of course Cesar had to walk all the way. There was many doors on the walls, but when he opened one, he would find one of these three things. One, A lab, with tubes, large ones; They each had a vital organs ripped out by a blurred out figure. More limbs and vital organs were ripped out with the more doors that Cesar Opened that had Adam in them. Third, Jonah, having his eyes gouged out by Adam.

 This was the least gorey one, Yet when Cesar actually woke up, this part was erased from his memory. 

When Cesar finally reached the end of this horrid hallway, The blood red goo turned into a lighter red, like a strawberry color. There was a table, with 2 seats. One seat was empty, that one being for Cesar. 

 The other was across the table, "Mark" sitting in it with a malicious grin. "Mark" had a fork with a piece of strawberry pie on it, Eating it slowly. When Cesar sat down in the chair, "Mark" forcefully fed him the Strawberry pie, and once Cesar threw up from having too much, It was the same strawberry red goo that engulfed the walls. In an instant, the floor beneath Cesar fell, sending him Into a void, and at the top where Cesar originally fell through, Cesar saw "Mark" looking down at Cesar, with a sadistic grin, waving goodbye to Cesar before "Mark's" Terrifying laugh erupted, bursting Cesar's eardrums. 

A Tasty Twist! TMC DESSERT SWAP auWhere stories live. Discover now