ii. 🎈

65 3 1

Third person pov




Jade tossed and turned in her bed, trying to ignore the random thumping noises coming from somewhere in her room.



She grabbed her pillow, folding it in half and covering her ears. For a few minutes, it was quiet again. And Jade was able to fall back asleep. Until...


Jade immediately opened her eyes. Now that noise scared her. It sounded like as if someone fell through the roof and landed in her room. She uncovered her ears with her pillow and sat up in her bed. She slowly crawled to the end of her bed, peaking, to see what that big thump noise was. Hopefully it wasn't actually a person that fell through the roof...

She looked and it was a teddy bear. She got off her bed, walking to the middle of her room, picking the teddy bear up. She gasped. Oh my gosh, it's Terry the teddy. A teddy bear dressed as a sailor that her dad got her when he took her to the boardwalk when she was younger. She loved that teddy bear. She smiled. She opened her closet and looked up at the shelf. She screamed and took a step back, almost tripping and falling.

It was a doll. That stupid doll. A porcelain doll that kinda looked like Dorothy. She hated that doll so very much. It was her grandmas old crusty doll that she gave her for her fifth birthday. Once she put the doll in front of her face, Jade had immediately started crying. It was just something about that doll that just gave her an eerie vibe.

And there were many times that she thought of getting rid of it. But she knew her grandma loved it very much when she was a kid and she wanted Jade to love it too. That's why she gave it to her. And it always made Jade feel bad. So she just shoved it all the way in the back of her closet covered with random stuff so she wouldn't have to look at it. But there it was, right on the shelf of her closet.

Jade shakily moved her hand towards the doll. Grabbing it gently, she put it back where it originally was. She then put Terry the Teddy back in his spot, and closed her closet and went back to bed.

When she was finally asleep. That's when things got weird throughout the night. She heard small clicking footsteps walking around her bed. And every few minutes, little laughters. She tried brushing it off, thinking that it was probably her imagination. But it sure wasn't.

Soon, she started hearing a girl calling her name in a sing song voice.


The voice whispered every few minutes. Jade had enough. She opened her eyes and saw the doll on top of her. "HI!" The doll yelled. The Dorothy looking doll wrapped her small porcelain hands around Jade's neck and started choking her.

Jade put her hands on the doll's, trying to pull it away from her neck. But the doll's grip got tighter and tighter on her neck every minute. It was hard to breathe. Jade breathing got slower and slower. Jade continued trying to pry the doll's hand off her neck but it just wouldn't work. For a small plastic doll, she was strong.

The doll looked Jade in the eyes and smiled. That smile faded as her mouth opened, very wide, showing like five sets of teeth. The doll roared. The doll put Jade's head in her mouth and-

Jade quickly sat up on her bed, gasping for air. She touched her face, not bite marks. Just her soft silky skin. Her heart was beating fast. She looked on her bed and under her bed. No doll. She got off her bed, slowly walking to her closet. She opened it and looked up at the shelf. No doll. Just Terry the Teddy and a bunch of other stuff. She looked all the way in the back of her closet, on the ground. With the pile of stuff, such as extra blankets. She slowly moved the blankets and saw plastic. The doll. It was still there, in the same position as always. Hasn't moved one inch.

She sighed in relief. She hopped back in her bed. She looked at her clock and saw that it was 2 am. A few hours before she had to wake up for school. She put her blanket on her body and laid her head on her pillow, slowly drifting off to sleep.
No more nightmares, hopefully...

Jade sat in her seat at the back of the class. Her head resting in the palm of her hand. And just a few a few more minutes until school ended for the year.

Jade was very excited for summer break this year. Her parents told her that if she could keep up her good grades for the year then they'll pay for a ticket for her to go back to California to visit her friends. And that's what she did, kept her grades good for the whole year. And in a few weeks, she'll be back in California!


The bell rang. Everyone quickly packed up their stuff and headed out the classroom door. Jade was one of the last ones to come out of class.

She walked down the hallway, heading to the girls bathroom to meet Beverly. But she was on the left side of her school, which is the most crowded side. Everyone passing through, the halls were so full of children that you had to squeeze as much as you could to get past people. And it felt like ages trying to get through.

Jade finally made it through the left side of the school, and went down another big long hallway to get to Beverly and where all her other friends are at.

As Jade got closer to the girls bathroom, she saw Greta and her little minions walk out. Jade scrunched up her face, she absolutely hated Greta.

"Bev, you in there?" Jade said knocking on the only bathroom stall door that was closed. She heard a sigh "yeah it's me". The door unlocked and slowly opened, revealing Beverly.

"Ew what's that smell" Jade asked, once again scrunching up her face. "Stupid Greta and her little friends". Beverly grabbed some tissue and tried rubbing off the dirtiness of the trash and liquids off her bag.

"Alright, let's go" Beverly swung her bag over her shoulder and walked out of the girls bathroom, Jade right behind her. "Uh, you should get rid of that bag. Smells like shit". Jade said as she walked next to Beverly with her now awful smelling bag. "Trust me I will".

Jade and Beverly walked outside. As they were about to pass the bike area, Jade saw Ben getting his bike. "So are you gonna let us go by or is there a secret password or something?" She said walking up to him. Ben looked over at her. "Oh uh hey Jade" Ben then accidentally dropped his little project. As he picked it up, his bike almost fell. He looks pretty panicky and Jade knew why.

"Henry and his friends are by the west entrance. So you should be fine"

"Oh uh I wasn't-

"Everyone knows he's looking for you. Just looking out for you Ben!" Jade said with a soft smile.

Jade looked over her shoulder and saw Beverly, she looked kinda awkward.

"Oh sorry uh, Ben, this is Beverly. Beverly Marsh!" Jade introduced Beverly for her.

"Yeah. I know that cause we're in the same class. Social studies"

Jade smiled at Ben's awkwardness. "Let me sign this" she grabbed Ben's yearbook out of his open book bag and turned to the page that said autographs. She got a pen from her bag and wrote "Have a great summer Ben. Can't wait to see you next year!! ◡̈ - Jade "

She handed the yearbook to Beverly and she jotted down some words. Jade felt bad that no one signed his yearbook, but at least her and Beverly did.

"Ok! Well I guess we'll see you around Ben!" Jade said with a smile as she began to walk away.

Beverly put the cap back on her pen and handed Ben's yearbook back to him. "Stay cool Ben from Sosh Class!" Beverly said with a smile as she walked away and went to catch up with Jade as they walked through the grass.

Hey guys!! Here's the second book. And btw sorry for this long chapter, it's 1,400 words. Oh and, even though this book just started. I'm getting real close to the part where Patrick goes missing, but I'm gonna hold back on that part. And since I now I have motivation for this book I might be uploading more so stay tuned for that. And yeah. Byee!!

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