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WARNING: Sad Chapter

Suri's POV

Winter is still going. But mum assures us it'll end soon. Once we see grass, it'll still be another two months until spring arrives. We've all lost weight this winter, but mum says we should all make it to spring. But I know we can only do that if we find more food. Which is so scarce these days. I notice does without fawns can barely feed themselves. The only reason we've survived so long is because of how much mum knows about surviving.

Today we're heading for the meadow, in hopes of finding something to eat. Bambi and I lag behind tired, starving. "Bambi, Suri, come here!" mum calls from the edge of the trees. We trot over to her. "Look. New spring grass" she states and I gasp at the flash of green. It means only two more months of winter.

We rush over and start to eat it. Mum follows us with a small smile. We all graze. Forgetting the danger of being in the meadow. We didn't even check for danger before rushing over to the grass. And just eat quickly without a care.

Until mum suddenly lifts her head alert. "Mum?" I say confused. As she looks around.

"Bambi, Suri quick. The thicket" she tells us urgently. We take off running for the trees. Mum following. We jump over a frozen stream as a loud bang is heard. "Faster Suri! Faster Bambi!" mum shouts and Bambi looks back at her. "Don't look back! Keep running! Keep running!" she yells. Bambi and I did as we were told.

We made it back to the thicket, the den safely. I breath hard, trying to catch my breath. "We made it! We made it, Mother!" Bambi cheers. But mum doesn't answer.

"Mum?" I say confused and notice she's not with us. "Where is she?" I ask him.

"She was right behind us" he states. "Mother!" he shouts going to the entrance. I follow cautiously. "Mother!" he yells again. He goes to leave.

"Bambi, I think we should stay here" I tell him.

"But we gotta find mother" he states. "We'll be ok" he assures me. I sigh and follow him into the forest as it begins to snow harder. "Mother, where are you?! Mother!" he calls as we search for her.

"Mum!" I shout, but still no answer. We continue to search calling for her. When we come across the Great Prince, the deer I believe is our father.

"Your mother can't be with you both anymore" he tells us sadly. We bow our heads as I try not to cry. What would happen to us now? How can we survive without mum? "Come, my son and daughter" he says gently and we follow him to a new den. Under a fallen tree and he nods for us to go in.

Bambi and I go in. We lay at the back of the den, to escape the cold wind. I hear dad talking to the owl outside. But couldn't hear what they were saying over the wind. The owl soon left and dad joins us in the den. Bambi looks at him before going to sleep. I crawl over and nuzzle into dad's back.

"Is something wrong Suri?" he asks me.

"How will we survive without mum?" I ask him.

"I shall take care of you both" he states. "Sleep, it's been a long day for you both" he tells me.

"I'm glad you found us dad" I tell him and yawn. "I pray you don't leave us like mum" I add. Then drift off to a dreamless sleep.

Third Persons POV

The Great Prince look out at the snow storm. Contemplating how he'll raise two fawns through the rest of winter. Wishing their mother was still here. That he could of saved her. But he was to late. He looks at his son and daughter. He won't fail them, he vows. They will grow up. He lays his head down and lets sleep takeover.


Next chapter will begin Bambi 2, then Bambi will resume after Bambi 2 chapters are complete. Picture above of Suri's POV of Bambi and their mother eating the grass.

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