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Suri's POV

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Suri's POV

It's been a year since man last threatened the forest. Bambi and I are now young adults ready to find love. Oliver had left again to practice all he had learnt from my dad with his mother's herd. Which I heard he now leads. Anyway, Bambi is sharpening his antlers on a tree at the birds sing above us.

"♪ Let's sing a song about spring I'll fix 'em.

There. I guess... that'll teach 'em.

Oh, what's the use?

♪ This is the season to sing ♪" they sing. I hum along swaying my head from side to side. It's a very catchy song.

"Hey! Stop it!" a familiar voice shouts. I look up to see friend owl clinging to the tree Bambi is scratching his antlers on.

"Bambi, stop" I tell him and he does so looking at me confused. I nod up and he looks up at friend owl. And smiles.

"Get out of here. All of you" Friend Owl grumbles. The tree stops shaking and he looks down at us. "And you two, too" he states.

"Good morning friend owl, sorry about my brother" I state.

"Don't you remember us?" Bambi asks.

"Why, it... it's the young prince and princess. Bambi and Suri!" friend owl exclaims in surprise. We nod our heads smiling. "My, my, how you both have changed. Turn round there. Let me look at you both" he tells us. We do so. "I see you Bambi have traded in your spots for a pair of antlers" he laughs.

Bambi shows them off proudly as we turn back to face friend owl. "You know, just the other day I was talking to myself about you two. And we were wondering what had become of you both" he states. Just then a grey rabbit appears on a log near us.

"Hello  Suri, Bambi! Remember me?" the rabbit asks and thumps his foot.

"Thumper!" we cheer. We haven't seen him much this last year.

"Right O" he says thumping his foot loudly. As a skunk appears from a group of flowers.

"Hi fellas" he says.

"Flower!" Bambi exclaims.

"Yeah" he says bashfully. Just then two birds fly by twitting happily flying in unison around us. Before flying off. "Well, what's the matter with them?" Flower asks.

"Why are they acting that way?" Thumper asks.

"Why, don't you know?" friend owl asks.

"Should we?" I ask confused.

"They're twitterpated" he tells us.

"Twitterpated?" we all ask confused

"You said that before, last spring" I state remembering. "You said you'd tell us what it means when we're older. Will you explain now?" I ask him hopeful.

"Of course, nearly everybody gets twitterpated in the spring time" he states. "For example. You're walking along, minding your own business, you're looking neither to the left nor to the right, when all of a sudden. You run smack into a pretty face or in your case Suri a handsome face" he explains.

"Then what?" I ask.

"You begin to get weak in the knees. Your head's in a whirl. And then you feel light as a feather" he explains. "And before you know it, you're walking on air. And then you know what? You're knocked for a loop. And you completely lose your head" he states.

"Gosh that's awful" Thumper states.

"Gee wizz" Flower says.

"Terrible" Bambi states.

"I think it sounds lovely" I tell them and they roll theirs eyes at me.

"And that ain't all. It can happen to anybody. So you'd better be careful" friend owl tells us. "It could happen to you, and you, and you, and..." he pauses at Flower. Who points at himself. "Yes, it could even happen to you" he states.

"Well, it's not going to happen to me" Thumper declares.

"Me neither" Bambi agrees.

"Me neither" Flower agrees.

"You boys are no fun" I tell them. "I'll see you later" I state and head off. While Bambi and his two friends head the other way. I decide to go to mum and dad's clearing. The one where they had meet when they were young.

 The one where they had meet when they were young

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I reach it and smile taking a small drink. As I raise my head a small breeze makes the butterflies take off around me. I smile enjoying the breeze and the sound of the flying butterflies. As the sound lessens I open my eyes and gasp surprised to see a young stag across the stream from me. A very handsome stag.

He smiles and steps forward. I step back unsure. Until I notice something familiar about his green eyes and freeze. As I try to remember where I've seen them before. I don't notice him cross the shallow stream. When I refocus, I gasp at how close he is.

"Hello princess" he says.

"Oliver?" I ask and he smiles. "Oliver!" I cheer and nuzzle into his chest. But pull away quickly. "Sorry, I've just missed you a lot and..." I start to rant. He licks my cheek, making me weak at the knees. Am I becoming twitterpated?

"I've missed you to Suri" he tells me. "You've grown into a beautiful young doe" he states.

"Your antlers are bigger, they look good" I tell him and he smiles proudly. It makes my knees wobbly, he has a very nice smile.

"Are you ok?" he asks.

"I'm fine" I say quickly. "But I think I'm twitterpated" I state.

"By me?" he asks and I nod. He smiles and nuzzles me.

"Step away from my daughter" dad sneers as he joins us. Oliver and I gasp backing away from each other. When did my dad get here?


Picture above of Suri with Oliver and pictures in chapter of Suri and Bambi now. Picture in chapter of Faline and the clearing.

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