Thumper and Flower

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Suri's POV

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Suri's POV

My brother and I can walk now. Though still a little wobbly if we try to run. We're also talking now, though as still learning our words. We're both very shy and this is our first day out of the den with mother. She leads us through the forest and I hear the animals whispering about us. I wish they wouldn't call me princess, it's not my name. Nor is Prince my brother's name, it's Bambi and mine is Suri.

A little bird with chicks wishes mum a good morning. "Good morning, Mrs Quail" mum says with a smile.

"And where's the young prince and princess this mo... Oh!" Mrs Quail says excitedly as she spots us. She rushes over with her chicks. "Good morning Bambi, Suri" she says and I nod my head in greeting.

"Good morning, young prince and princess" the chicks say. They leave. The last chick says goodbye and hurries after it's family. Other animals wish us a good morning as we continue to follow our mother. Bambi shot off ahead of me and falls down after getting tripped by the long grass. I made my way through it more carefully as mum checks on him.

"What's the matter?" a rabbit asks.

"What happened?" a bunch ask.

"Did the young prince fall down?" a familiar grey one asks. I remember seeing him the day Bambi and I were born. But I can't remember his name. Mum licks Bambi tenderly on the head as I nuzzle her gently.

"Is he hurt?" the first rabbit asks.

"No, he's all right" mum assures the rabbits as Bambi lays there.

"He doesn't walk very good, does he?" the grey rabbit asks and I giggle.

"Thumper" the mother rabbit says in a scolding tone.

"Yes, mama?" he asks innocently.

"What did your father tell you this morning?" she asks him.

"If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all" he states. I nudge my brother gently. Wanting him to get up.

"Come on, Bambi, get up. Try again" mum encourages him. All the rabbit gather around him.

"Come on, get up. Get up, Bambi. Get up. Try again" they all encourage him and I smile. He does it on one try and we set off to explore with the young rabbits. Our mothers not far behind. Thumper jumps onto a hollow log thumping his foot.

"I'm thumping. That's why they call me Thumper" he declares.

"Call me Thumper!" we hear an echo.

"Thumper!" he shouts into the log and we hear it echo back. We run through the log, the girl rabbits giggling the whole way. We continue to fro-lock around the forest until the rabbits jump a log. Bambi and I stop eyeing it. I look at my brother questioningly, how are we supposed to get over it?

Thumper hops onto it and looks up at us. "Come on. You both can do it. Hop over it" he encourages us. "Like this" he says and demonstrates with the other rabbits. Who I believe are his sisters. They all made it look easy.

I nod at Bambi to go first. He backs up a little and takes a running start. But doesn't make it and ends up stuck. I giggle. "You didn't hop far enough" Thumper tells him. Bambi swings one leg over. "That's it, now the other one" he encourages. Bambi does so, but it ends up over his other back leg and he falls into Thumper.

"Your turn Suri!" the girls cheer. I nod and back up farther. Then run and jump. I end up onto of the log. But at least I wasn't stuck like Bambi. I just slide down to their side. We hear chirping and look up. We see blue birds in a tree eating berries.

"Those are birds" Thumper tells Bambi.

"Bur, bur" Bambi says trying to say the word.

"Urd" I say.

"Look, they're trying to talk!" Thumper states.

"Bur" Bambi says again.

"They're trying to say bird!" he cheers. "Say bird" he tells us twitching his nose.

"Bur" we say together.

"Bird" he corrects gently.

"Bur!" Bambi says loudly as I try to sound it in my head as mum had taught me. When trying to learn a new word.

"Uh uh, bird" Thumper states.

"Come on, say "bird", say "bird" all the girl rabbits encourage us. As the birds fly around us.

"Bird!" Bambi shouts and I say lowly. The girls squeal in delight and run off to tell our mothers. I head over to mum as Bambi repeats the word bird proudly.

"Bird" I tell mum and she smiles. Licking my cheek.

"Very good, Suri" she praises. "Go find your brother" she tells me. I nod and follow Bambi's trial. I see him in a field of colourful plants. That Thumper called flowers.

"Flower?" Bambi asks.

"Uh-huh, it's pretty" Thumper says smelling one.

"Purty" Bambi says sniffing one.

"Pretty" I correct and sniff one. It smells lovely. Suddenly another animal appears from the flowers touching noses with Bambi.

"Flower!" Bambi cheers.

"Me?" it asks shocked.

"No!" Thumper squeals laughing loudly. "No, no. That's not a flower" he tells Bambi.

"What he?" I ask curious.

"He's a little..." Thumper starts to explain.

"Oh, that's all right" the animal says cutting him off. "He can call me a flower if he wants to" he states. "I don't mind" he assures us.

"Purty! Purty flower!" Bambi says.

"Oh, gosh" Flower says bashfully. I smile, looks like Bambi has two new friends. I wonder if I'll make any? Flower left and I return to mum wanting a drink. While Bambi stayed with Thumper a little longer.


Picture above of Suri and picture in chapter of Thumper & Flower.

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