Oliver's Return

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Suri's POV

Thumper is still pulling quills out of Bambi's butt. I decided to graze. "OW!" Bambi yelps. Honestly, how bad could it be? Then again, I've never been stuck with a porcupine quill. So who am I to judge? At least dad can't hear Bambi.

"Just one more" Thumper states.

"Bambi, Suri what happened?" Faline asks as she joins us. Bambi turns to face her, so that she wouldn't see the porcupine quill in his butt.

"Bambi got stuck by a porcupine" Flower and I tell her.

"A porcupine, where?" she asks trying to find the quill. But Bambi moves.

"Hold still" Thumper tells him.

"It was nothing" Bambi assures Faline.

"Are you hurt?" she asks concerned.

"Just his pride" I mutter as he moves again.

"Stop moving!" Thumper shouts.

"I'm fine. Really. It's just... Ow!" Bambi yelps as Thumper pulls out the final quill.

"Huh, got it" he says proudly.

"Bambi. I thought I recognised that scream" Ronno says as he joins us. Oh joy. "I'm surprised to see you moving" he states.

"I was only a porcupine" Bambi tells him.

"No, no, no. I'm talking about how you froze out on the meadow, and right in front of your father and sister" Ronno tells him. I glare at him. Why does he have to be so mean?

"Ronno!" Faline and I snap.

"Don't feel bad. If we didn't have cowards, we couldn't tell who the brave ones are" Ronno states. I roll my eyes, I bet he's scared of his own shadow.

"I'm not a coward" Bambi tells him and bleats.

"Yeah, sure. Come on. Let's go" Ronno tells Faline and I.

"We're staying here" we tell him firmly.

"Come on" he says and starts to shove Faline with his antlered head.

"Leave them alone" Bambi says.

"Did you say something, Bambi?" Ronno asks giving him a stink eye.

"No. Well... I mean, yes. Leave her alone. Please" Bambi says.

"You tell him, Bambi" Thumper encourages.

"Oh, wook. It's the wittle bunny and the wittle skunk. Does the young prince play with the wittle bunny and the wittle skunk?" Ronno asks in a baby voice. Thumper has Bambi push Ronno into the mud, which angers him.

"Run!" Thumper shouts and takes off with Bambi as Flower faints.

"Run, Bambi!" Faline and I shout as Ronno gives chase.

"What's all this? I leave for one winter and your brother is picking fights?" a voice asks. I turn to see a young adult deer with antlers.

"Who are you?" Faline asks him confused.

"I'm sure the princess will recognize me" he states. I look into his green eyes and gasp.

"Oliver" I say and he smiles. "Wow, you've grown" I state.

"And you haven't" he says chuckling. "Who was that other fawn?" he asks.

"Ronno, he's a big jerk" I state.

"Looked like it, I was about to step in when Bambi pushed him. Didn't think your brother had it in him, yet" he states.

"Do you think he'll be ok?" Faline asks him concerned.

"If he is anything like his old man, he'll be fine" Oliver states. I sigh. "Suri, I'm sorry about your mum" he says lowly.

"Thank you" I say. "Is that why you're here early? To pay your respects?" I ask him.

"That and my mum has a new fawn to raise. Besides spring is on it's way" he states. "I figured I'd stick around this time" he adds.

"I'd like that" I tell him with a smile. He smirks.

"I should get going, it was nice seeing you again Oliver and Suri. Take care" Faline says and left.

"So anything happen while I've been away?" he asks.

"Not really, dad is raising Bambi and I. But there was an incident in the meadow and since then he hasn't let us leave the area around the den" I explain.

"Then won't you get in trouble being so far?" he asks.

"Only if I get caught" I tell him.

"Never the less, I shall escort you back" he states.

"I better go to" Flower states waking up. "See you around" he says and left.

"What about Bambi?" I ask Oliver.

"He'll be fine" he assures me. "Lead the way" he adds. I sigh and nod my head. I lead the way to the den.

"So anything exciting happen aside from your new sibling?" I ask him.

"Not really, though all the girls are throwing themselves at me. It's annoying" he tells me and I giggle.

"None catch your eye?" I ask.

"I only have eyes for one girl" he states looking at me. I avoid his eyes. We reach the den. We continue to talk and catch up. Until dad returns with Bambi. "Great Prince" Oliver says head held high. Dad nods his head. "I'll see you around princess, stay out of trouble Bambi" he says before leaving.

Bambi tells me about this awesome jump he did and how impressed dad was by it. I told him I'd help him practice tomorrow. He said I could too. We then called it a night.


Picture above of Oliver now, he is two years old. Three more chapters until we return to the first movie, where Bambi and Suri will be young adults ready to find love.

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