Spending Time with Dad

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Suri's POV

Bambi and I are practicing our jumps. Seeing who can jump farther. So far, I'm in the lead. But if Bambi had more confidence he'd be able to jump further as he has longer legs. Especially as the jump he did yesterday was further then the one's we've done so far today. Thumper is helping us by using a pine-cone to mark how far we jump. I just made another successful jump and look up at Bambi with Thumper.

"Come on. You jumped further than this yesterday" Thumper tells him.

"I don't know" Bambi says unsure.

"If I can do it, so can you" I encourage.

"You're not afraid, are you?" Thumper asks in a teasing tone. "You're too afraid. You cannot jump" he sings. Bambi jumps and lands beside me past the pinc-cone.

"You did it" we cheer.

"Let's do it again. And this time put it out further" Bambi tells him happily. We both run to the boulder we have been jumping off of.

"Come on, Bambi. You can do it. Wait till your dad sees this" Thumper says as he moves the pine-cone. I nod at Bambi to go first this time. We make the jump again.

"Put it out further!" Bambi cheers. "Coming Suri?" he asks.

"I think I'll take a break" I tell him and he nods heading to the boulder.

"Hey, watch this! Watch this!" he shouts. He makes the jump. But lands on Thumper and kicks the pine-cone away. "Did I make it?" he asks.

"Yep. You did it" Thumper states and they get up.

"Though you have to work on that landing" I tell him.

"What exactly are you both doing?" dad asks as he joins us.

"We're practicing our jumps" Bambi tells him giddily.

"I see" dad says and walks off a little. Then stands still.

"I don't get it. Yesterday he really liked it" Bambi states confused.

"What's he doing, anyway?" Thumper asks.

"He called it observing, but I don't know what exactly he means by it" I tell him.

"He does it a lot" Bambi adds.

"Well, why don't you ask him?" Thumper asks us.

"Oh, he looks busy. I better not" Bambi states.

"Parents like it when you ask them questions, lots and lots of questions" Thumper tells us. We relent and go over to dad. While Thumper stays put.

"What are you doing?" Bambi asks dad nervously.

"Observing" he answers.

"You've said that before, what is observing?" I ask him curious.

"Well, it's... It's... It's difficult to explain" he tells us. We look at him expectantly. "You have to look, listen, and smell, all at the same time" he explains.

"We can do that" Bambi states. "Look, listen, smell" he says and we do so.

"Try to feel the forest around you" dad tells us. But I don't feel anything. Though I hear Thumper giggling.

"I don't feel anything" Bambi tells him.

"Me neither" I add. "Though I hear Thumper giggling" I state.

"Does playing in the meadow" dad says.

"How do you know?" we ask him curious.

"I feel it in my hooves" he states. Bambi and I look at ours. "If there was danger, they'd know to stomp, and I'd run to them" he explains.

"But wouldn't you be scared?" Bambi asks him.

"Perhaps, but I would still run to them. A prince may be afraid, but he can't let fear stop him from acting" dad explains.

"Wow, you know everything" Bambi says in awe.

"Not everything" dad tells him. "Well the forest is waiting" he says and sets off. Bambi and I sig in defeat staying put. "You both coming?" he asks looking at us expectantly. We smile brightly and follow him.

Bambi keeps trying to feel the forest and runs into a tree. "Felt it" he says sheepishly and I giggle. When Bambi and I had difficulty on a steep hill, dad helped us. And that log Bambi crawled under that one time. We now jumped it with ease, I guess all that practice paid off.

When dad scratched his antlers on a tree, Bambi rubbed his head against is. Messing up his fur and I laugh lightly with dad. We then came a cross a herd of stag practicing sparing. I noticed Oliver there taking on a buck nearly twice his size, winning. Dad and Bambi spare gently. Before we continue on our way.

I see a ladybug caught in a spider web and save it. I watch is fly away with a smile. Dad then has Bambi and I practice observing more. This time we finally feel something through our hooves. "I hear it. I hear it!" we cheer and take off towards what we felt. Dad following us with a warm smile. We stop to see a herd of deer galloping by as dad joins us. We see Ronno and I scowl.

"When will I get my antlers?" Bambi asks Dad.

"Won't be long now if you're anything like I was" dad tells him.

"Am I?" he asks.

"Lets find out" dad says and takes off. We follow and we are soon leading the herd with him. We soon leave them and reach a clearing full of yellow flowers and crickets. Bambi and I are jumping around making the crickets take off as we laugh with joy.

"You try dad" I encourage. He looks hesitant at first. Then rears up and stomps lightly making dozens of crickets scatter. We all laugh and cheer. Dad even 'woo hoos'.

We then went to a near by stream to have a drink of water. Dad splashes Bambi with water and I laugh. Then I'm soak and I glare at him playfully with Bambi. Bambi and I fill our mouths with water and chase dad. We soon caught up and squirted him with water. It was the best day ever.

Afterwards, we returned to the den. Bambi is so hyper. But both dad and I are exhausted. I blame the blossoms dad let him eat on the way home. "Bambi, time to go to sleep" Dad tells him.

"But I can't sleep. I'm wide awake" Bambi tells him.

"Try" dad says tiredly.

"Okay, I'll try" Bambi says and doesn't. "It was funny when you chased that cricket, then there was one more, then one more" he says.

"Yes, yes. Now, get some sleep" dad tells him.

"Flower sleeps all winter" Bambi states. "Why do we sleep?" he asks.

"Everything must get rest. Some at night, some during the day. Some not at all" dad groans. I snuggle into him trying to drain out their talking.

"Mother's resting now, isn't she?" Bambi asks and I raise my head. "Oh, I forgot. A prince leaves the past in the past, right?" he asks.

"That's enough questions for today. Now, please get some sleep" dad tells him. We all say goodnight and go to sleep.

"I love you dad" I whisper as I drift off.


Picture above of Prince and Bambi with the crickets from Suri's POV.

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