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Suri's POV

It's been a few days since Oliver and I reunited. We've mated a couple of times. But we won't know if I'm pregnant or not for a few weeks. I asked him about his herd. He told me had he left his cousin en-charge. But he'd have to see them occasionally. He says he'd move them here during the time of plenty. But we'd go to his old home during winter. He has a den ready for us there. Anyway, I woke up today with a foreboding feeling.

"Something wrong Suri?" Oliver asks when he notices my tense body.

"I just have a feeling like something bad is going to happen" I tell him.

"I'm sure everything is fine" he assures me.

"Maybe, but if the feeling doesn't go away. I am going to go see my dad and Bambi" I tell him. He nods his head.

"Meadow?" he asks as we live the den.

"Not today" I tell him. "Lets stay in the forest" I state.

"Ok" he says. We set off and as we walk. I try to feel the forest through my hooves. I feel something unfamiliar, but familiar. Like I've felt it before, but not in a very long time. It makes my bad feeling worse.

I barely eat all day. But Oliver made me drink. Before he had to leave to go check on his herd. He promised to be back before I wake tomorrow. But I couldn't sleep. I had know what is making me feel this way.

I start to follow the unfamiliar feelings. I soon reach a pike and see smoke. Bambi soon appears beside me. "What is it?" he asks.

"I don't know" I tell him as our dad appears. "What is it dad?" I ask.

"It is Man" he tells us. I gasp in horror, man has returned to the forest. "He is here again. There are many this time" he states looking at the smoke.

"What do we do?" I ask him.

"We must go deep into the forest" he answers.

"Wait Oliver?" I ask.

"He'll be safe, man never go that deep" he assures me. "Hurry! Follow me!" he tells me and takes off. Bambi and I follow him. But Bambi soon stops and I do so to looking up at him.

"Faline" he states.

"We had better hurry" I tell him and we take off. Him leading the way. As crows fly over head cawing, rising the alarm for all the other animals. Bambi soon stops and looks into a den.

"She's not here" he states.

"We must observe" I tell him and he nods his head. We both try to feel Faline through our hooves. It's the quickest way to find her. We soon hear the gunshots.

"Faline!" he shouts and we run off. We race through the forest calling her name trying to find her the old fashioned way. I pray we find her in time. I then hear a familiar sound.

"Dogs" I say as we freeze. We pinpoint the sound. "They are chasing something" I state.

"Faline!" he gasps and takes off after the sound. I follow. No way is he facing those dogs alone. We soon hear Faline calling for Bambi.

"Bambi! Bambi!" she calls desperately over the barking snarling dogs. They must have her cornered. We reach the rocky hill by the south meadow. Bambi takes off and soon lowers his head. Ramming into the dogs.

I join and kick them. We hold them off. We soon clear a path. "Quick, Faline! Jump!" Bambi shouts. She does so and he tells me to go with her. I didn't want to leave him, but someone has to protect Faline. So I left with her reluctantly, praying Bambi would be alright. As he distracts all the dogs alone and leads them the opposite way.

"Do you think he'll be alright?" Faline asks as we run.

"He's our father's son" I tell her. We then hear and gun shot and freeze. "We got run" I state and take off away from the sound. She follows. We soon smell a new fright on the air.

"Fire" she says.

"Quick, the river" I tell her and we take off. "Everyone to the river, the river!" I shout.

"Fire, to the river!" Faline shouts. Soon everyone is running towards the river. While the fire stops the hunters from following. We should all be safe. "What about Bambi?" she asks.

"He'll find us" I assure her as we reach the calm river. We cross it to the small island in the middle. Many over animals join us. Including Thumper and Flower with their mates. But still no sign of Bambi or dad.

"Suri!" Oliver shouts as he bursts from the trees. He leaps over. "Are you hurt? I came as soon as I could" he states.

"I'm ok, but I'm worried about Bambi and dad" I tell him. As Faline keeps watch for them. "We got separated when the hunters arrived and I haven't seen them" I state with tears in my eyes.

"Shush" he says nuzzling me gently.

"Suri!" Faline shouts and I look up. I see her looking at Bambi and my dad. They're alive, though Bambi looks hurt. She rushes over to him and I run over to dad.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

"I'll live" he states. "Did everyone get out?" he asks.

"Everyone who avoided the hunters" I tell him and he sighs. He looks up at the burning forest. "What will we do now?" I ask him.

"It will stop and the plants will grow again. Until then we must move and let the forest heal" he states.

"You are all more then welcome at my herd's feeding area" Oliver states.

"Thank you Oliver" dad says grateful.

"There will be plenty for all, it is spring" Oliver states. "Come autumn, you should be able to return" he adds. Dad nods his head and Bambi comes over with Faline.

"I'm so glad you're ok" I tell him.

"I'm glad you're ok" he states. "Thank you dad" he says. Dad nods his head and goes to check on the other deer. And to tell them the plan. I look at the burning forest with tears in my eyes.

"It'll be ok" Oliver assures me and I lean into him. Glad he is here. "It will grow back" he states. I nod my head. He left to go talk to my dad about the move. While I tell Bambi and Faline the plan.


Picture above of forest fire.

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