First Day with Dad

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Suri's POV

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Suri's POV

I wake the day after mum's death to see dad already awake outside. So leaving Bambi to sleep, I get up and head out to greet dad. Who is just standing there motionless. "Is something wrong dad?" I ask concerned.

"No, I am observing" he states. "Is your brother awake?" he asks.

"Not yet, I don't think he slept well last night" I tell him.

"He had better wake soon, we have a long day ahead of us" he states.

"Dad, can I ask you something?" I ask curious.

"You just did, but you may ask another" he tells me.

"How come you were never around? How come we've never seen fawns with their dads?" I ask.

"Stags fight to bred and defend a group of does, who will raise his off spring. Where as I must look after the herd and forest, it does not leave time to raise young. Which is a doe's job as they don't have anything else to do" he states.

"But that doesn't seem fair" I mumble. Just then Bambi runs out of the den and runs into dad. Dad clears his throat giving Bambi a look. Bambi gets back to his feet.

"Good morning" Bambi says.

"Morning" I say with a small smile.

"Bambi, a prince awakens before the forest does. If you're late again, I'll have no choice but to..." dad stops talking when Bambi's stomach rumbles. "What was that?" he asks confused.

"What was, what?" Bambi asks. This time both our stomachs growl. "I guess it was my stomach" he says sheepishly.

"We're both hungry" I tell dad.

"Then you both should eat" he states. We look at him expectantly, mum always found us food. "Oh, well– I suppose I should find you something to eat. Here" he says digging up some roots. I eye them warily.

"Urgh. No, thank you" Bambi says.

"Have you tried it?" dad asks him as I take a bite. It was very chewy and not very pleasant. But it'd have to do.

"Well, no" Bambi answers.

"Then how do you know you don't like it if you've never tried it?" dad asks him. Bambi eats a root with reluctance, I can tell he hates it. I eat some more and Bambi looks at me surprised.

"What now dad?" I ask curious.

"Come along. We have to check on the other deer in the South Wood" he tells us. He sets off and we follow, Bambi 'woo hooing' jumping around excitedly. As I walk proudly behind dad. "Bam– Bambi! A prince does not "whoo-hoo"" dad tells him.

"He doesn't?" Bambi asks surprised.

"He certainly does not. A prince maintains control at all times. Display dignity. Walk with pride, like your sister" dad tells him. We continue on, Bambi walking calmly.

"How could you eat that?" he asks lowly.

"Bambi, we should accept any food we're given. Besides mum ate roots and gave us the best food she could fine. It's best we learn to stomach worse tasting food" I tell him.

"Still tasted horrible" he says making a face. We slide down a snowy hill. "We're ok!" he shouts to dad. When he joins us at the bottom, we continue on. We soon have to cross a shallow stream and it was freezing. We soon reach a log, that dad jumps with ease. Bambi decides to go under it and I go around.

Bambi face plates on the other side and I giggle. He gets up and we continue to follow dad. We soon reach a cliff over looking a clearing. I see four fawns down there, along with several stags, two that are sparing and the rest are doe's. We can see the whole clearing from up here.

"Don't you think it'd be better if we got a little closer?" Bambi asks dad.

"The distance makes it easier to spot danger" dad states matter of factly.

"Hm. But it sure makes it harder to play with them" Bambi states. Dad gives him a quizzical look. "Play is a healthy part of a young deer's development" Bambi tells him.

"Is that so?" dad asks.

"It is" I agree.

"Mother says so. One time, Mother, Suri, and I were out in the meadow" Bambi starts to explain.

"Bambi" dad says.

"And these two fawns came over and wanted to play" Bambi continues to explain.

"Bambi" dad says more firmly. " think it's best to leave the past in the past. A prince does not look back, only ahead" he states.

"Oh, yes sir" Bambi says sadly.

"What about a princess?" I ask him.

"You' do best to remember all you have learnt" he tells me. "Now, come. We still have a lot of ground to cover today. Don't fall behind" he tells us heading back into the forest. Bambi and I follow him. Staying behind him and following his footsteps as the snow gets deeper.

After a particularly deep part, we emerge and Thumper is clinging to Bambi's leg. "Thumper!" Bambi cheers as Thumper let go of him. I left them and head over to dad. Who had stopped when he noticed we weren't following him. Soon Thumper's sisters appear and he tries to hide. But fails.

"Where is your brother?" dad asks me.

"Talking to his friend" I tell him.

"We cannot linger, we have much ground to cover if we want to make it to the den by sunset" he tells me. I nod my head in understanding. "Bambi!" he calls.

"Coming!" Bambi shouts. He said goodbye to the others and rushes over. We continue on our way. But soon reach a steep hill that Bambi and I have trouble with. After our third failed attempt, dad looks back at us.

"Why don't you both go with your friends to see the groundhog?" he suggests.

"But we want to stay with you" Bambi and I tell him.

"Yes, well" dad says with a sigh. " I have to check on the South Meadow, and it's very far. You both go see the groundhog. I'll meet you both there later" he assures us.

"Oh, okay. I'll meet ya" Bambi tells him.

"Be safe dad" I say and left with Bambi. We catch up with Thumper and his sisters. Who raced ahead as Thumper said the winner could sit by him. "So what's so special about the groundhog?" I ask Thumper curious.

"He'll let us know if spring is on it's way" Thumper states.

"How?" I ask confused.

"If he sees his shadow, it means more winter. But if he doesn't, spring is on it's way" he explains. Seems like a lot of pressure for one animal. We run into Flower along the way and he joins us, yawning tiredly. He was praying for more winter, where as we are all praying for spring.


Picture above of the Great Prince overlooking the herd and picture in chapter of the Great Prince himself.

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