The Tragedy

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(Hey guys, this will be the official start of the RDR2 main story so I hope you all will enjoy it. I might skip a few events or just trim them down so that this entire fanfic isnt like 200 parts lmao, so just fair warning but ill do my best to include all the important ones. Happy reading!)


It had been about a month now since this random group of people had found Simon bleeding to death in a slow and painful death in the mountains. His recovery took a while and even longer given the cold was not helping his wound to heal faster but these people were kind enough to have healed him as well as to let him stay with them and take care of him with food and a place to stay. During his recovery he discovered who all these people really were. He learnt all the names of the men, the women and even the little boy that was with them. He discovered that, this group was a rather big gang of outlaws, all with different roles to play in the gang, they all seemed to have been led by the man with the mustache he had seen over a month ago. His name was Dutch Van Der Linde, and his assumptions about him were right, a more charismatic and silver-tongued man, he had never met. He seemed to lead the gang equally almost with the elder gentleman by the name of Hosea Matthews, a conman it seemed but a far more considerate and kinder man towards the rest of the gang members.

He also learnt after overhearing a lot of conversations between the gang members especially a man called Micah, that they often mentioned Blackwater and money, Simon wondered what had happened but he could not dare ask, he wasn't even really apart of this gang even if he was staying with them, but from what he could tell, something definitely happened and it wasnt good, since the gang seemed to be chased by a group called the Pinkertons. In the month he was with them, the gang was constantly on the move, never staying in one place for too long..they even went so far north at a point it felt like they went to another country.

Come May, some of the gang members had died, and there was another snowstorm again, a really bad one this time. The wagons could hardly move, the horses were straining to pull them and everybody was freezing. They needed shelter and fast, they were travelling and unfortunately a man by the name of Davey Callender was dying in the back of one of the wagons. He had got shot just before they left their previous camp because of some dispute and the cold was not helping him one bit. Reverend Swanson, who was basically the doctor of the camp and gang went and spoke to Dutch who was driving the front wagon. "Abigail, says hes dying Dutch...we'll have to stop someplace."

Dutch kept looking forward moving the convoy slowly forward "Alright, I sent Arthur out head to look." Dutch said as the Reverend returned to the back of the wagon where Davey was. Dutch and Hosea spoke a bit since they were on the same wagon riding side by side and soon they spotted Arthur in the distance "Arthur! Find anything?!" Dutch yelled slightly since the storm was so loud and visually obscuring it was hard to hear. Arthur nodded "I found a place where we can get some old abandoned mining town just down the aint far." Arthur said as he turned around on his horse and now was leading the way for the convoys to follow him to the town.

Soon, the gang and Simon arrived st the town and he recognised it instantly as he had been here before, Colter. He got out of the wagons along with the rest of the gang and quickly approached Dutch "Mr Van Der Linde, This place will work for now..I have been here before." He said to him as they all wemt into the biggest building in the abandoned village which seemed to be a church of sorts. "Good, good, we just need to wait for this storm to pass." Dutch said as he ushered everyone into the church before enterijg himself with a lantern to light the place up a bit. Simon went amd stood away from the others, even though he had been with these people a month, he still felt like an outcast of sorts. Unfortunately as they arrived, Davey, the wounded man passed away.

Dutch then asked everyone to listen, started giving one of his famous motivational and inspiring speeches which honestly Simon zoned out after the first couple of words. After a few minutes he picked up his lantern and gave a few orders, he told Mr Pearson, the camp chef/cook and Miss Grimshaw to turn this place into a camp. He explained that he and Arthur, the man who seemed to be like Dutchs enforcer of sorts were going to ride out and see if they could find either Micah or John who were two members he also sent out searching but hadn't been seen in a while.

The two men then left and the others got to work, moving the benches of the church to turn it into a big dormitory of sorts for the less violent men and all the women to sleep in. Simon did of course help with this and once the church was done they moved onto the other buildings in Colter. They arranged the building to the left which happened to be a mineworkers sleeping quarters, had some bunk beds in and it was arranged for the men to sleep in such as Charles, Lenny, Bill. The women, Reverend Swanson and Herr Strauss, who was basically a loan shark would sleep in the main church. And lastly the building on the right was converted into an area for the gangs highest ranking members like Hosea, Dutch and his girlfriend Molly O'Shea as well as Arthur would be staying there. Soon the place was converted into a makeshift camp of sorts and everyone was sitting inside their respective places trying to warm up from the cold. Simon would be staying with the rest of the men in the workers sleeping quarters building since there wasnt many other options and ao he was sat in there.

Lenny was currently on guard duty to watch for any trouble, mainly if the law followed them up here whilst Arthur and Dutch were gone. It took about an hour or two before Lenny was heard yelling. "Somebody's coming..! Looks like its Dutch!" He yelled since it was so dark now and the storm had subsided slightly so visibility was a little better but the dark made it hard to see, but his yelling got everyone including Simon's attention and everyone came out to see what qas happening.

"Hey everybody Dutch is back." Lenny said relaxing and lowerimg his gun now as Arthur, Dutch and Micah arrived now on their horses ajd their was a woman sitting behind Dutch on his horse in her nightgown with just a blanket over her for warmth. Simon was stood just outside the building he slept in but this sparked his curiousity and he walked closer now. "How did you get on?" Hosea asked Dutch now.

"Ran into some trouble, O'Driscolls...seems like they are up here too. Turned this poor Mrs Adler into a widow. Animals." Dutch said with a colder tone in his voice. Simon froze, he was closer now but far enough away from everybody but that name was enough to make him freeze in his tracks. He recognised her now, Sadie...A widow now too at the hand of some bad men who seemed to be a rival gang to Dutch's from how he was talking. Simon felt his throat dry up, the words he wanted to say caught in his mouth. He felt so many emotions now, Jake...a good friend of his, Sadie's husband..dead. He stood there in silence now trying to process everything.

Whilst this was happening Dutch was giving more orders, he asked Karen and Tilly to get Mrs Adler inside and warmed up. Miss Grimshaw then took charge and began showing Dutch, Arthur and Micah to their rooms where they would be sleeping. Micah was to stay with Simon and the other men. With Dutch and Arthur in the other building with Hosea.

Simon kept his eyes on Sadie as she was taken into the church by the women. He debated going after her, to give his condolences, talk to her, comfort her...but he stopped himself. It was too soon and she needed to warm up and grieve on her own first, it wouldn't have been right or kind to swarm her immediately..he would give her time first and try talk to her in the morning. He turned around and went inside to try and get some sleep as did everyone else in the camp now...

(Gonna end it here so this chapter isnt like 2000 words lol. I have alot more to say but that will he in the next part. Thanks for reading and sorry again for any typos. Love y'all.)

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