Chapter Twenty Eight- My Cowboys did 90%

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Okay fine, 20

"Is no one else seeing this?" Cass asked

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"Is no one else seeing this?" Cass asked. A milk float had come onto the scene and it seemed like she and Klaus were the only ones who noticed and, honestly, they could do with someone actually competent if the milkmen decided to attack.

Allison and Luther were still by the house, mostly trying and failing to take on Lila. Diego was nowhere to be seen and Five, it was always best to not ask what Five was up to.

"What do we do now?" Klaus asked and Cass has no idea what to say. No one's actually asked for her input before. What do they do now?

"I don't know," She said, her voice quiet and lost to the air.

Cass tried to close her eyes and thought hard about their options in the hopes that something would spark a vision that she could follow like step by step instructions but nothing happened. Cass was just too exhausted to use her powers.

"Lila's just going to copy our powers but honestly, I don't see how she can use them against us."

"Yeah!" Klaus said a little too eager to agree with their general uselessness. "What's she going to do? Work out what she has for breakfast in the morning and make Ben get it for her?"

"Or conjure up the ghosts of our dead boyfriends and tell us how we're gonna die," Cass joked, matching Klaus's energy. "Oh no, that's actually horrifying."

"I don't think she heard," Klaus shrugged. "If we combined powers, we would make one pretty awesome psychic."

"No is not the time," Cass said, "But yeah we should totally do that if we don't die here."

As Cass turned her attention back on the battle her siblings were currently fighting without her, she saw Allison running to Luther's defence, She grabbed Lila by the arm and whispered in her ear.

"I heard a rumour-"

But as soon as she did so, Lila turned her head sharply sideways to look Allison straight in the eye as she finished her sentence: "That you stopped breathing."

Lila's words infect Allison's mind and her eyes widen suddenly. Panicked, Allison grabs at her throat. Unable to breathe, she released her grip on Lila and fell to the floor.

"Should we fight her even though we're useless?" Cass said. She knew she wasn't very much help to her siblings. Dad had sidelined her pretty early into their crime fighting days. But she couldn't just watch as her siblings failed time after time to defeat Lila.

"I don't wanna..."

"Me neither. But I don't want our family to die."

Cass looked at Klaus and Klaus tried not to feel any sympathy for his siblings, which was growing increasingly more difficult the longer he looked at Cass' pitiful look.

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