Chapter Three- Always A Pleasure

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It's always a pleasure, Ben

"Elliot?" Cass called and banged on the back door to Morty's Television and Radio, "Elliot, open up! It's me

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"Elliot?" Cass called and banged on the back door to Morty's Television and Radio, "Elliot, open up! It's me. It's Cass," she called, hoping to God he was in and would open up. She saw the curtains twitch in the upstairs window and a few seconds later the door opened.

"You're back," Elliot said, standing in the doorway, looking at Cass. She threw her arms wide and sighed.

"I'm back," she nodded, "Can I come in?"

"Oh, yeah, sure, come on in," Elliot rambled and stepped aside, letting Cass in. He peered back into the alley and looked up at the sky, his face dropping a little when he saw nothing there.

"I need your help, Elliot," Cass said, getting straight to the point as she strode up the stairs, taking them two at a time. Elliot had to run to keep up with her, "I think something bad is going to happen."

"Cass, wait!" Elliot called as Cass reached the door. She didn't go in, she stood at the top of the stairs, waiting for Elliot before she barged inside. Elliot relaxed when he saw that she wasn't going to go charging in.

"It hasn't happened yet but whatever causes it is coming soon," Cass continued as Elliot caught up with her, "I need to find my family, now more than ever. You're the only person I know who I could turn to."

Elliot's eyes lit up, like he was smiling without moving his lips. The gleam in his eyes disappeared as Cass turned and reached for the door.

"Cass, wait," Elliot called and stopped her just as she reached for the door handle, "There's something I need to tell you..."


"What is all this?" Cass breathed as she looked around the backroom of Morty's Television and Radio. All the walls were almost completely covered with newspaper cuttings and hastily developed, a little blurry, photos, "Is way..."

"I kept an eye out for them, even when you left," Elliot explained, looking a little sheepish and tugging on his shirt cuffs, "You just looked so desperate to find them. I wanted that for you."

"You found them?" Cass breathed, letting a joyful smile spread across her face.

"Yes. I did!" Elliot beamed, relaxing when he realised Cass wasn't mad at him for borderline stalking her family, "Well, not exactly..."

"What do you mean?" Cass asked and watched Elliot shift uncomfortably, "Elliot? What does that mean?"

"I saw them arrive but I was working so couldn't, you know, stop them and tell them that their sister was looking for them," he mumbled, looking at his feet, "But I got photos of most of them," he said, snapping his head up to meet Cass, "Look!" he said, darting across the room and tearing down a photo from the top of the wall and placing it into Cass hands.

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