Chapter Fourteen- Four Possible Futures

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And None Of Them Look Good

Diego drove to where their father was living

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Diego drove to where their father was living. Five had wanted to drive but he still looked 12 and they were trying to be inconspicuous. Cass had to threaten to ground him and he allowed Diego to drive.

Cass got out of the car and came to stand between her two brothers. They looked between the three of them, sharing hesitant glances. Needless to say that Cass had never been on good terms with her father. It had taken a lot for her to be able to move on and be free of him. Now she was going to see him again. She knew it was going to be just as hard for Diego and Five to see him too. He'd always looked down on Diego and had set him up to compete with Luther for no other reason than for his own amusement. Diego had been very stressed as a child, always attempting to live up to their father's standards. It was difficult for him to even talk back to their father. And as for Five. Well, he hadn't seen the man in nearly 50 years. Five was never enough for their father either. In their father's eyes, Five would only ever be good enough if he could time travel. And he had tried and ended up stuck in the future for 45 years. Cass was beginning to wonder if any of them were going to be able to stand up to their dad when they met him.

"You ready?" she asked softly, looking from Diego to Five. Five shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets, avoiding Cass's eye. Diego pursed his lips together and nodded unconvincingly.

"Are you?" he asked and Cass nodded, equally unconvincingly, "We'll do it together."

"Good," Cass managed to laugh, "Cause if I have to see the old bastard again then you do too."

Diego smiled.

"Deal," he said, trying not to laugh, "It can't be that bad though," he shrugged, "You'd have warned us against it."

"I'd have tried," Cass said after pulling a face, "Put it this way, there's four possibilities about this future," Cass explained as they walked towards the door.

"Oh?" Diego prompted as he bent down to examine the lock.

"None of them are particularly good,"

"You don't have to," Diego said after a while of silence as he tried to pick the lock, "You could wait in the car, sit this one out."

"And let you and Five face him on your own?" Cass said, raising her eyebrows, "You'd get nowhere without me," she said, teasing the both of them partly to lighten the mood but also to hide her apprehension. But Diego could see through her. He'd been doing the same after all.

Diego smirked at her, continuing to try and get the door unlocked.

Five looked down at him with his usual judgemental half frown. Diego saw him from the corner of his eye and did a double take before holding his determined gaze.

"What?" Diego asked, sounding mildly irritated.

Five just sighed and teleported away. Diego stood up and turned to Cass and threw his arms wide and shot her a look to show his frustration at Five. Cass had to try very hard not to laugh. And failed.

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