Chapter Thirty- Guts

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You're full of those

You're full of those

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Cass can't shake the strangest feeling of deja vu as she waits for Lila's response. Five, for some reason runs past them, shoving anyone in his path aside, and jumps in front of the open barn door the exact second the Handler shows up with a gun.

"What the fuck?" Allison exclaims as they watch their littlest brother wrangle a gun off a fully grown woman. Klaus panics and holds his hands out in front of him in little karate chop motions. Cass looks at him and shakes her head. He puts his hands down when he notices her looking at him.

Five turns the gun on the Handler who puts both her hands up in surrender.

"It's true," Lila said to her mother, "Isn't it? What Five said?"

The Handler looked between Five and the gun, and her angry daughter, but didn't say a word.

"Answer me," Lila shouted, her voice full of pain. "Is it true?"

"Well-" The Handler is interrupted by a bullet through her throat. The blonde guy from the milkfloat stands in the doorway with a raised gun.

"Huh," Cass shrugged, "I was wondering what the significance of seeing him two chapters ago was."

"What?" Luther asked and Cass looked over at him, confused.

"Well I saw him earlier and wondered when he'd reappear."

"You saw him earlier and never said anything?"

"I didn't think it was relevant."

"It's pretty relevant now," Luther exclaims, "He's pointing a gun at us!"

Lila seized the opportunity, when everyone was distracted by either the Handler's death or the milkman with the gun, and darted for the Handler's unattended briefcase.

"The case!" Luther shouted and ran after Lila but Diego tackled him. Lila reached the case, took one look back at her, and teleported away.

Now the Handler lay dead on the floor, Five turned his gun on the last remaining milkman. For a while, neither of them did anything until Five dropped his gun.

"Enough," Five said, splaying his hands to show he had no concealed weapons.

"What are you doing?" Cass shouted. She had watched her siblings do any number of crazy and stupid things before. In fact, she had just stopped to question the things her siblings did because it was not her problem to sort out anymore. But letting the guy who killed Elliot go? What was Five thinking? Had he forgotten everything Elliot had done for them? Or how the milkmen tortured and killed him? The only friend they had in this timeline. Who had helped them without a second thought, even though he genuinely thought they were aliens and briefly thought they were terrorists. He died thinking they were terrorists and still he had helped them. He hadn't betrayed them to the milkmen, he had died for them and Five was going to do nothing?

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