Chapter Eighteen- Can You Imagine?

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Can you imagine anyone being with dad? It's disgusting!

After taking a short stop to take care of Klaus, by the time Cass caught up with the others at their dad's party, she was late to the gate crashing

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After taking a short stop to take care of Klaus, by the time Cass caught up with the others at their dad's party, she was late to the gate crashing. Diego, Five and Lila were already inside.

Cass slipped awkwardly inside, hoping to enter the party unnoticed. She blended in fairly well, having stolen a fancy looking dress from Klaus' before she left. So far, the only strange looks she received were from the group of people she had walked in with and pretended to know so no one asked if she was really invited.

Once she was inside, she left the judgemental group and looked around the entrance hall for any sign of her siblings. What she didn't expect to see, however, was her mother.

Cass couldn't help but stare as a woman that looked exactly like her robot mother Grace walked away into another room, giving a weird look over her shoulder at the man she had been talking to. It came to no surprise to Cass to realise that the man she was looking so weirdly at was none other than her brother Diego. A lot of women looked at him weirdly. But at least he wasn't Luther.

"Was that...?" Cass asked as she walked up to Diego, trailing off as they both followed the women with their eyes as she disappeared into a ball room.

"Mum," Diego finished, "But not mum."


"Must have been whoever dad modelled her on," Diego rationalised. Cass couldn't suppress her shudder and pulled a face.

"That's messed up."

"You're telling me," Diego agreed. They both slowly turned to look at each other with the same disgusted face. Cass couldn't help but laugh.

"Can you imagine anyone being with dad?" She said, laughing away the awkwardness, "Eurgh, I don't, eurgh- No, that's too disgusting."

Diego chuckled, looking at her with a look that was both bemused and disappointed.

"Seriously, it's not funny," Cass protested, despite laughing herself, "It's horrific!"

"What?" Cass asked, defensively, in response to Diego's laughter.

"It's good to have you back," he said with a sly smile. Cass beamed shyly.

"Thanks," Cass smiled, "Where's Five?"

"Where's dad is what we should be asking," Diego said, narrowing his eyes and scanning the room.

"That's why I asked where Five was," Cass mumbled but Diego still heard her. He fixed his eyes on her and narrowed them even further to get her to explain, "I just think he's more likely to find dad."

"What?" Diego asked, sounding more than slightly insulted. Cass just shrugged at him, "I'll show you likely," he grumbled bitterly and stormed off, arms folded, in search of Sir Reginald Hargreaves.

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