Chapter Thirty One- Who the Fuck is That?

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"Well...I didn't see this coming."
"No. But I did."

Cass stood outside the barn

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Cass stood outside the barn. The rest of her family were inside, Vanya was still with Sissy and Harlan, making sure he wasn't too traumatised and Sissy knew what to do if anything were to happen again. Klaus and Diego were catching up, Cass remembered them being quite close when they were children and after everything they'd been through recently, with Klaus' rehab and Diego's extended period in a lunatic asylum, they hadn't spent much time together. Allison and Luther were talking about who knows what, and quite frankly, Cass didn't want to know.

So Cass was alone outside, contemplating what she'd gone through, recently and in the distant past, although until a certain point her memories get too foggy to make any sense of, when Five cleared his throat and disturbed her thoughts.

"What did you do?" he said, leaning against the barn door frame, his arms folded across his tiny blazered chest.

"What do you mean?"

"Back then," Five continued and unfolded his arms to gesticulate as he spoke. "When we were dying, I don't know how but I just knew what to do. And the only one of us who has ever just known what to do, is you. So what did you do?"

"I just..." Cass said, fiddling with her fingers, interlocking them around each other. "I just knew which reality I wanted to come true and helped it on it's way."

Five looked perplexed and for a moment said nothing.

"How did you know you could do that?" He said, sounding somewhat impressed.

Cass smiled and said, "Dad. How'd you know you could successfully time travel?"

Five breathes in deeply before admitting, "Dad."

Cass smiled and shook her head. "Guess the old man didn't completely fail us. I mean, he was close but..."

"Still a fucker?" Five suggested cockily as an ending to Cass' sentence. Cass grinned. It just fit so well.

"Still a fucker."

Five sauntered over and the two of them just stood together, looking out across the field, still littered with corpses and briefcases as the only sign of the war they were fighting only moments ago.

"I'm sorry about Elliot," Five said, breaking the silence and Cass purses her lips together. "He didn't deserve that."

"No," Cass said, "He didn't."

The two of them descend into silence again although for once there's no sign of awkwardness, they are just comfortable in each other's company.

"You know?" Cass said, smiling slightly, "I never told him we weren't aliens."

Five chuckled slightly and said, "Yeah, I did wonder about that."

"He was excited when I arrived." Cass recalled the moment she had arrived in this timeline. She'd just been on the verge of death with her siblings as they were unable to prevent Vanya from destroying the world and there she was, alone and terrified. She didn't know what would have happened if Elliot hadn't have been there to help.

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