Chapter Eight- Just Some Dumb Kid

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Well, this dumb kid wants to know a few things.

Ever since being flooded by visions of the end of the world, Cass had done a pretty good job of tracking down her siblings before the big day came so they could stop it

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Ever since being flooded by visions of the end of the world, Cass had done a pretty good job of tracking down her siblings before the big day came so they could stop it. But there was still one person she was waiting on. Five. And she would have to find him fast if she wanted to stop the world from ending. There were less than two weeks left and Cass was beginning to panic.

What if she didn't find him in time?

What if the world ended because of her?

She could see it this whole time and what did she do to stop it? Try to get back in touch with her family.

Good job Cassandra.

The world's going to end and you can't do shit to stop it. You need to find Five!


"What?" Cass snapped and Elliot's eyes widened. She hadn't slept in days and could only imagine how deranged she looked curled up on the sofa flicking through newspapers trying desperately to find any sign of Five.

"Are- are you okay?" Elliot asked timidly, hoping Cass didn't snap at him again.

"I'm fine," Cass answered far too quickly for it to be true.

"You sure?" Elliot asked, eyes narrowed as Cass frantically pulled her hair back and had to make a conscious effort to focus her eyes in order to read the paper, "You look like you could do with a break."

"I can't take a break," Cass snapped, "I've got to find my brother. It's important."

"What's so special about this guy?" Elliot asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He'll know how to fix everything..." Cass trailed off, losing focus and having to read the same sentence three times before she understood it.

"Sounds like a genius," Elliot said and Cass was too tired to work out if he was being genuine or sarcastic.

"He is," Cass answered anyway, "If you ignore the borderline insanity," she shrugged and ignored Elliot's reaction, "Which is why I have to find Five."

"Well maybe we should work on finding one first," Elliot suggested softly, worried about how little sleep Cass had got and how manic she was looking, "And then find the other four another day?"

"What do you think I've been doing?" She snapped, throwing her hands up in exasperation and sending cutouts scattering all over the floor.

"I- I don't know..." Elliot stammered, slightly scared and a lot concerned. Cass sighed and brushed him off.

She stayed sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed underneath her. She shut her eyes and, despite everything in her scream not to, she tried using her powers again to get a lock on Five. Cass didn't want to see any more death but in order to save the entire world, it was worth risking it to use her powers...right? She had to at least try.

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