Chapter Two- What Did We Do Now?

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Everyone dies on November 25th, 1963

A week had gone by since Cass first arrived in 1959 and she was no better now than when she had first arrived

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A week had gone by since Cass first arrived in 1959 and she was no better now than when she had first arrived. She had devoted all her time to searching for her siblings, she had searched all over Dallas but had found nothing. Perhaps they didn't all arrive in the same place? Perhaps they didn't arrive in the same year... They could be anywhere, or anywhen. Cass was starting to feel like she would never see them again.

A week had gone by and she had heard nothing. She had seen nothing. The first thing she had tried was using her power to predict when the others would be arriving but she couldn't see anything. It was like there was no future to look into. Her power had just stopped working.

With no way to locate her siblings and no success in finding them without using her power, Cass was out of options. So she went back to Morty's Television and Radio in the hopes that Elliot was still willing to help her.

It had been a long week for Cass. She had nowhere to go and had devoted all her time to finding her siblings. She hadn't slept in so long she was practically sleepwalking. It came to no surprise when she bumped into someone walking the opposite way to her. She could barely keep her eyes open and hadn't seen them.

"Watch it!" they snapped as they barged into Cass and carried on walking away from her with a sneer back at her. Cass didn't think they meant 'watch it' so literally but as soon as she collided with the guy, she was hit with a vision.

Cass assumed she must be in a vision as she had suddenly transported all the way from Dallas to Vietnam. The sound of rumbling engines as cars passed turned into the wiring of helicopters and machine gun fire. The only constant was the guy she had collided with. He was there, in his army uniform, firing at the opposition on the front lines in Vietnam.

"Oh my god..." Cass trembled as the ground around her shook under the force of explosions, "Oh my god," she kept whispering to herself. She couldn't think of anything else to say in her crazy situation. She ducked as something was thrown over her head. The ground behind her exploded, sending up debris and bodies. She ducked behind a hastily made mud trench and found herself next to the man she had accidentally bumped into. He was shouting to the men around him and firing over the top of the trench. He didn't seem to hear Cass shouting back at him asking where she was and how she had got there.

"Oh my god!" Cass mumbled louder and sprung back as the man she had bumped into her was shot in the chest. The bullet ricochetted as it tore through him and Cass felt like her whole vision had been torn in half. The man fell back and her vision shook as if she were in the midst of an earthquake. He fell back and didn't get up again.

"I said watch it!" the man snapped again and rolled his eyes at Cass, rudely shoving past her on the street. She was back in Dallas.

"Sorry," she mumbled, her eyes wide and barely able to catch her breath for her heart was beating so fast.

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