Chapter Thirteen- Nice Nails

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You've Done A Lovely Job Of His Nails

You've Done A Lovely Job Of His Nails

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Cass had missed Klaus. It had been years since they had last met. Klaus' cult had really taken off, much to his dismay. The novelty of it all wore off very quickly leaving Klaus with the daunting realisation that he was now, more or less, a father to a whole load of very gullible children all looking to him for guidance.

Naturally he had run away from his followers and responsibilities and naturally he had ended up in a police holding cell. Classic Klaus.

Cass's trip to the police station was to be a short one. Apparently Klaus knew the Governor and some strings were pulled. Cass was just there to give him a lift. Unlike Diego, Klaus hadn't jumped out of a moving car to get away from her. He had simply refused to get in the car in the first place.

"Oh you figured it out did you?" Cass asked earnestly as she got back home to find Five and Diego curled up by a projector, watching whatever the Frankel footage was. To tell the truth, Cass didn't know what the footage would show. But when she saw the unmistakable likeness of Sir Reginald Hargreeves in the background, Cass thought she could play it cool.

"What?" Five asked, slightly frowning as he turned around to face her.

"It's dad," she said, pointing to him on the screen, "Did you work it out then? Why he's here?" she asked, remembering the vision she had at the end of the last apocalypse just before she ended up in 1959 in Dallas. She had spoken to their dad.

"No, do you-"

"Why have you tied up poor Elliot?" Cass interrupted Five upon noticing that Elliot was strapped to a chair by what looked like several reels of tape. Lila was crouched beside him and hastily screwed shut a pot of nail polish, hoping Cass hadn't noticed.

"What do you know about dad?" Five persisted, standing up and following Cass through to the kitchen where she dumped the spare set of keys Elliot had given her when she first moved in.

"What don't I know?" Cass laughed and came back to join the others by the projector. She crouched down in between Elliot and Lila and set about freeing Elliot from the miles of tape they had tied him up with.

"You've done a lovely job of his nails," Cass remarked, smiling at Lila who shot Diego a smug look. He rolled his eyes.

"What do you know?" Five asked persistently and Cass paused in her task of freeing Elliot to explain. Cass opened her mouth and was about to tell Five all her encounters she had had with their dad since his death but she was suddenly flooded with a vision.

"You're going to have to work this out on your own," Cass said, standing up abruptly, "I've got to stop Luther from killing Vanya."

Diego frowned and he and Five shared a look. Five followed after Cass as she darted back into the kitchen to retrieve her set of keys.

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