Chapter 5 - Sleeping is a curse. Fluttershy why are you here?

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DISCLAIMER: I know nothing about medical- anything, and I was too lazy to do much research. Everything here is pulled out of thin air and you should not take any of the medical procedures or actions as fact. It's fanfic, and everything that happens is to make the story mildly more interesting or so the plot I want fits together better. Now with that outta the way, enjoy!

Also, warning! This chapter has a lot of throwing up of water, and brief mentions of medical supplies being used(no needles tho). Keep your own comfort and safety a priority if you can't read this for those reasons. 


Everything was dark and fuzzy. Etho didn't really know what was going on, but he could tell he was moving, and the middle of his vision was fading into a blue color he could focus on slightly better. It was like the entire scenery was molding and swirling around his vision like playdough. White shapes were billowing upwards, away from his face, and his mask was holding a bubble of air near his chin. Not big enough to breath in without swallowing water, but his body didn't get the memo, and in a breath he couldn't really feel, he was curling in on himself, hacking while the last of his air left him in his attempts to breathe in.

He was probably going to drown then.

He was sinking lower and lower in the vast and creepily empty body of water, and as his limbs went numb with cold, he accepted that his hazy fate would be his doom. There was no sound around him, but the pressure of the water that swiftly knocked into his back told him something was near, even if he couldn't seem to turn around to see it. Something slithered around his torso, grabbing him like he was just a doll, and started pulling him in the direction he hoped was upwards. If it was deeper, he had no chance of fighting it.

He distantly knew this was a giant's hand saving him from his watery death, but he didn't know what or who it was. It tightened around his stomach gently as the speed increased, and the color of the water around him got lighter. This was upwards then.

Etho numbly felt something like coldness, and the swift kick of the air crashing onto his body as he broke the surface of the water only made him colder than the water had. The giant was holding him over an icy slate steadily as Etho hacked out all of the water he had unintentionally breathed in.

When he tried to open his eyes again, trying to blink out the tears so he could see better, he figured he was in a crawling position on the giant's hand. He only had a moment to breathe, and it wasn't enough time to thank his savior.

And then he was hacking again, coughing up water onto the massive laptop below him like he had waterfalls coming out of his mouth. The giant's hand used its thumb to press on his chest and stop him from heaving up water, and it felt weird, and he wanted to fight it and get the water out of his body, but it kinda soothed the pain too. He stopped trying to squirm away.

Oh. The laptop was on fire now. Because of the water and the electric mixing- No. Probably because the firewall he was uh-....oh right. He was hacking a computer- or something and uh- and the firewall was real fire. That's how that worked. So there was a fire now. Etho felt incredibly dizzy. The world was too blurry around him.

But wait- his throat hurt, because he was coughing with a mask on. (Didn't his mask already fall onto his neck?) Maybe he should drink some coffee to stop it from hurting. He could go to Cleo's cafe! And see Bdubs!

"Bdubs? Wait- we were just- Wasn't it new years?" Etho thought distractedly. But clearly, it was too conscious of a thought, because reality was shifting again to distract him from it.

"Etho!" A female voice shouted out to him. Oh! He recognized that voice!

"Fluttershy?" He mumbled without opening his mouth.

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