Chapter 6 - Caffeine is a Buzzkill

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Bdubs had been a teenager once.

Well, duh.

Ok, let's rephrase that.

Bdubs had been an extroverted, popular, loud, and slightly rebellious teenager once. And sure, he was always known for his seemingly perfect sleep schedule (it wasn't hard to seem perfect compared to his classmates. The bar to pass was low.) but the point is: he had a few rowdy party nights back in the day. Tiny sips of alcohol they pretended to get drunk on were passed around upper class parties, and games that lasted till 3am had once been something he was familiar with, and he had some pretty shitty nights from the perspective of wanting to have a healthy sleep schedule.

But honestly? Last night might've taken the first place trophy for 'worst night's sleep!' in his life. It was sure a strong competitor, at the very least.

Tossing and turning felt like it lasted until the sun was up, and he didn't even remember falling asleep at all. One moment, he was just waking up, feeling more like someone had taken pity on him and knocked him out with a frying pan.

With a groan, he reached for his phone, and looked at the horrible time blinking at him loudly.

"Why the hell did I leave the brightness so high?" He thought miserably, squinting his eyes before dropping his phone back on his nightstand. The thud of the phone on the wood table was much louder than it had a right to be.

It was 8:30, meaning he slept in (which was fine, he needed every minute of sleep he could get) but he still had time to get up and get ready with a shower before they went to pick up Etho.

Ok! Actually, this was fine, and he was fine! Sure, 8:30 was late for his preference, and he didn't get enough sleep anyways and he might have trouble sleeping again tonight. But it was fine. He was fine!

He sat up, ready to swing his legs over his bed and get up for the day.

He was not fine.

"Fuckin- hell." He swore. Because he lived alone and he was allowed to do that.

He pressed his palm to his forehead, trying to quell the wave of stinging that had jumped him the second he moved too quickly.

"Fuck- do I even have advil anymore?" He groaned, trying to move slowly so the mix of dizziness and pain in his head would subside.

Standing up as slowly as he could still hurt too much, but he managed to get to his kitchen, shuffling slowly, without too many harsh waves of pain crashing against his skull. He went to the cabinet with most of his medication related items, and mumbled to himself as he sorted through bottles and first aid kits to get to the back where Advil or Ibuprofen were most likely to be collecting dust.

"First aid, extra bandaids..." He mumbled to himself shuffling stuff around as he tried not to move his head too much. "The good bandaids, calcium, omega 3.... AHA!" Bdubs exclaimed, before immediately regretting it. "Ow- fuck- ow. Right. Loud noises. Sharp movements. Bad. Ow."

He grabbed the bottle, and shook it. He heard nothing.

"I swear-" Bdubs bit back more screaming, in frustration this time. "If I left an empty bottle in here-"

He sighed, and opened it, even though he knew it was empty. A little slip of paper was placed so it was easy to pull out, and Bdubs sighed when he recognized his own handwriting.

Hey future me(or Keralis)! We're out! Go buy more of this brand. It worked pretty well. Probably sucks to be you! I hope you're Keralis.<3

If Bdubs could go back in time and strangle himself when he wrote this, he would hesitate less than what was socially acceptable.

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