Chapter Two: Elhora

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"LET'S GO BOYS PICK YOUR FEET YUP, MY GRANDMOTHER CAN RUN FASTER THAN THAT, AND SHE'S EIGHTY-FIVE WITH ONE LEG" Coach Young yells at his boys, who are running up and down the field in front of the university."Take a break and get some water why I try and figure out why one of the best hockey teams in London all of a sudden turned into old farts" He added.

Stopping what we are doing exhausted and tired me and my best friend nick go to lie in the grass "Yo Edvin, Sophia wanted me to tell you to sit next to her in class today because she's' been thinking about getting back together with you" Nick says with a smile knowing what my replay might be.

"Honestly mate I don't get why she won't take the hint and leave me alone, I've tried being nice about it" As in i tried to tell her multiple times what's done is done

"That girl wants her future back because she knows your dad is the prime minister and you're one of the best hockey players in the league."

Since starting school it was public knowledge how Me and Sophia had this big break up.Plus since shes the princess of the england everyone knows every move she makes.But long story short I broke up with her and at first she didn't care but when i won champions last year my popularity kinda went up times ten.Which she wants to have part of.

"Truthfully she's totally into your confusing Aussi-brit accent, that plus the looks chefs kiss. Also, the green eyes make the ladies go wild E" Nick adds sarcastically. Still enjoying our break my brother Antony joins the conversation to talk about a message he also received.

"So, how come Sophia texted me telling me to tell you to sit next to her in class" Antony says sitting down." While nick and i look at each other laughing about Sophia covering her bases to ensure the message is out there.

"Ha ha see man I told you that girl is in love".

"Whatever, she only wants to date again because I just became captain " I say knowing her truth.

"But who doesnt want a princess uh"Nick says giving me a nudge.

I rather date the girl and her friend that watches us do our workouts every morning"

"Who?" the friends say in unison.

"Pretty girl in the window up there"I points."She sits in front of that piano almost every day ripping pages from her notebook and singing her songs repeatedly. Now her...I would sit next to her in a class anytime she asked me to "I finish saying smiling knowing how ridiculous i sounded but i had to make my point.

"Oh come on E nobody even knows who she is! you could be dating the future princess of England again but you would rather piano girl from the window" Nick says.

"I'm just saying anyone is better than Sophia ,you just dont know.........why do think we only dated for 4 months "

"Lad rumor around school is that on scholarship plus you guys are too different"

Starting to go back and forth over the girl 'nobody knows' Antony decides to break it up. Not wanting to hear what any of us has to say anymore.

"Okay okay nick don't be so shallow, plus I heard that rumor too, Two E you're my brother, and I love you but you know what Dad will say,what people are going to think "Antony says laughing."But if I'm being honesty, i've only ever seen her friend up close and she's pretty cute and is the states president's daughter".

"mmh see here's when you guys are wrong if she got into this school she has to be somebody,you don't apply to this school your invited idiots"

"You know what you're right i should go talk to the presidents' daughter"Antony says ignoring the conversation for his own thoughts.

"Antony nobody said that.Where talking about your brother here not wanting to live the life of a future prince"

"Damn nick do you ever here your self talk and try not to sound like a dick"

"No" Nick says and laugh.Which i give no reaction to,he thinks about status way to much when it comes to girls and who to date.

"OKAY LET'S GET IT BOYS. START PACKING UP I GOTTA LEAVE EARLY" Coach Young yells letting us know that the break is over cause we can go home early.

As the boys and i pack up in excitement we stop pass the locker room first to get ready for class.

In the locker room.

"Do you really think i have an confusing accent"I say thinking about what nick said to me a few minutes ago.

"Yes but i also said you had pretty green eyes so think positive"

"I always wonder how you guys still are friends with the way you act."Antony interjects.

"I ask myself that every day" We all laugh in unison.

As I stop in front of my classroom, I recall our upcoming party.

"Party this weekend still right" Nick says before walking away.

"Bet but this time only pengs and less people" I say making antony crack up laughing knowing that last year nick invited everyone in the damn school and had the house we used like project X almost getting us kicked out.

"AHAHAAHA you cant pick who to invite this time nick we got it."Antony utteres back agreeing

"Get to class boys why are you just standing out here" A teacher says as they walk though the hallways.

"Okay okay see ya"

Finally going our separate says to class.I enter drama class in the middle of the teacher talking.

Sitting down in the only seat left.

"Hey what did i miss" asking the random girl next to me.

"Nothing to much just an project she's explaining" she replies to me.

"Alrighty we are going to do something different you are gonna pick your project partner form a bowl so we can switch it up and work with new people" Our teacher Miss Anna explains.

As she started to walk around with the bowl i can feel sophia and her friends looking at me from across the room.

"Okay mr hockey captain your pick" reaching in the bowl hopping and praying i dont get sophia i pull an name."Elhora? Who is Elhora"

"Me" she says realizing she has been sitting directly next to me this whole time.

As I fully turn in my seat and take a closer look at her, I realized how stunningly beautiful she was. Her pretty brown skin glowed in the light just right, and her lips were perfectly shaped on her face. The shine in her eyes caught my attention, and I felt as if time had stopped as I gazed at her. She had a distinctly sweet scent, and her dimples peaked on the sides of her cheeks. I forgot where I was so quickly.

"Um, hello!" she says, waving her hand in front of my face and snapping my out of my gaze.

"Uhhh I-I'm sorry about that. My name is Edvin Jacobs," I say, extending my hand for her to shake.

"Elhora wednesday " she responds shaking my hand

I don't think I've ever been taken aback by someone in forever. She reminds me of someone, but I can't put my finger on it yet. Wait until I tell the guys.

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