Chapter Three: Number Twenty-Two

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I was sitting in class, watching the teacher wait for the last student to join. I had my head buried in my phone, trying to finish up an application when I suddenly felt a jolt at my desk. I realized someone had sat down next to me, but I didn't look up right away because I noticed the hockey team logo on his bag, so I assumed he wouldn't be staying for long. However, the teacher surprised us all by announcing that she wanted us to switch up our class partners. It all happened so fast, but as luck would have it, this new class partner ended up being the one who sat down next to me.

"Um! hello" I wave my in front of the stranger's face who is looking at me with a black stare.

"I uhm- sorry about that, Im Edvin Jacobs," He says putting his hand out for me to shake it which I do.

"Elhora wednesday "i say with a smirk

"Thats a really pretty name-I-uh so what's the project about again"

"Rome and Juliet,we have to write on why they decided to end everything for love...we can take it from any angel"

"Cool you wanna like meet up to do it"

"The paper says Its not due for like two months since she has to leave the country so this is the last class until its due"

"Oh but still we ca-"

Cutting him off from the feeling of eyes watching me,realizing its a girl from across the room.Making me feel uncomfortable,i feel my heart start to race.

"Not to cut you off or anything but its this girl thats been looking at us since you sat down,i think she wants you attention" I say turning my head from him to look at my phone again to text romi.

RoRo <3

"You wont believe who the fuck is sitting next to me in class"

"If its nick i would literally shit my pants for you"

"Bitch no"

"Who then hurry up why do you always gotta be so suspenseful"

"Sorry,but it number 22"

"SHUT THE FUCK ,is he hotter in person?does he smell good?is he really 6'3?"

"Your so silly,honestly sitting here is so awkward"

"Aye listen if you wont i will gladly especially since him and that crazy girl sophia broke up"

"What happened"

"Long story ill tell you at lunch, gotta go LOVE YOUUUU"

"And im the suspenseful one,Love you too dork

Coming back to reality.Closing my phone.

"Ex girlfriend,she wanted me to sit next to her in class but"

"But what why won't you sit with her she's clearly waiting turn and look" i say with a head tilt forward.

"And waiting is what she will be doing"he says lower the tone of his accent as he starts sitting up from his chair putting his back to her and blocking my sight of her.

"Why are you doing that"

"Doing what"

"Staring like your head is empty,actually that makes so much sense"

"Mmmh Ms.wednesday has jokes"

"I thought british people say banter"

"I would if i was british"He says closer to my face causing me to back up.


Saved by the bell i back up confused on what just happened.Looking at him walk out the room.One minute i felt unease but the moment he blocked her from my view i felt calmer in a sense.

"E get up lets go eat" Romi says from the door of the room.

Moving quickly snapping up from the daze.

In the Lunchroom.

"Okay so tell me the story with that sophia girl" I say in a lowering my voice so nobody can really hear us.

"What i heard was that sophia cheated on him multiple times with dukes and lords anyone with a high status.The press says its lies but everyone here knows .People think she did because of family peer pressure, but what family peer pressure makes you cheat. What makes it worse is edvin went into hiding for like three weeks then came back like nothing happen, then he became a school star captain and president of everything. Probaby to get back at her since it looks like she cheated for status.Which also in a weird way help is popularity but when he graduates here he's gonna be one of the best hockey players in the country."

"Oh my gebbys thats explains why that girl was looking at me in class" I say taking a sip of my water in realization.

"Looking what"Romi says sitting up from her sit a little.

"Yeah for drama class miss anna said she wanted to switch things up and made us pick partners form a bowl and number 22 picked my name.After that her and her followers kept looking at me.Then she started to really talking to me with a blank stare.

"OMG i called it,if you guys get married i want a fruit basket"

"Shut nobodys getting married.Plus he wouldn't even look at me like that im not his type"

"Have you seen you Elhora ,you are fine girl.And you glow in the light"

"Im a black women i glow in the light by default that doesnt count"

"I am too but i dont glow how you do,but my point is you are a total package who will be delivered to to right address on day"Ro response with sweetness in her voice and eyes as she looks at me

"Aww so sweet my love" i assert caressing the side of her face with a smile.

As we laugh and talk more i could help but feel bad for edvin.After being cheated on like that i don't think i would ever be the same.Then to have it in the press that it didn't happen would drive me insane.How can someone just be so mean like that.

"E dont go thinking about his story to hard hes clearly bounced back look at his table" Romi speaks some how reading my mind.

Turning my head to look at his table of friends in the middle of the lunch room,you see almost every princess in this school looking at then in awe."Wait ro is that your little sister at their table"


"Yup right there in the white top "Pointing in her direction.

"And she has my shirt on"she says with a squint seeing her little sister hanging with the popluar kids.

"You mean my shirt that you stole from me and she stole from you"

"You said i could use it"

"Yeah last month silly,lets go i wanna change clothes and try and write my song again."

"You go i still have two more classes"

"Kkay see you at the room"

I got up and put my things in the trash before heading back to my room. While on my way, I received a notification to meet the coach at the hockey rink the next afternoon. This meeting could be the start of a great future for me, especially if I get the job.

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