You Cast An Illusion

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 Lambad's Tavern, Sumeru City, Sumeru

"A couple of researchers, right?" You nearly shout at Zhongli and you look at him, almost pleading. 

 You know what will happen if Alhaitham or Kaveh learns about his plan. Even though you know his plan is actually not bad, you prefer to have a peaceful co-existence with your housemates. The man however remains silent as he brings a cup of coffee to his lips. Nahida looks at you, then back at Zhongli, and finally back at you before smiling. 

 "I requested spare Akademiya uniforms to be prepared," the Dendro Archon says as she stands up, "why don't you both drop by the Akademiya as well? I can give you a tour." 

 "Let me just pay for the lunch," Zhongli stands up to go to the counter. 

 Nahida says, "There's no need, I already paid for everything."

 "Is that so? I'm feeling quite generous because the funeral directress gave me quite a huge allowance before I came here." Zhongli says but he doesn't insist on paying anymore. "Thank you for treating me out for lunch." 

 "You are the first one I have met after regaining my freedom so I wanted this day to be special," Nahida smiles. "I apologize if I can't invite you to my home, I am still working on the security of Irminsul. I hope you don't take that as a show of mistrust, Mister Zhongli."

 Zhongli stops and speaks in a low voice, "The best kind of locked door is that which you can leave open." 

 Nahida looks at him in wonder before nodding, you wanted to ask her about the situation with the modified Akasha terminals but her eyes which usually look around curiously just look straight ahead, as if she's in deep thought. 

 You and Zhongli exchange amicable conversation as you three head to the Akademiya. When you pass by Treasure Street, you see Kaveh enter the house, his eyes trained on you. You wave at him and he waves back but he enters the house instead of coming near. 

 You notice Zhongli looking at the house as well before Nahida points at some places nearby. He suddenly comes near her, his attention solely on the Archon. When your group finally reaches the Akademiya, you see a familiar face. Chandresh stands guard outside of the Akademiya walls and since Zhongli and Nahida are both busy talking about Mawtiyima Forest, you slowly walk over the Matra. 

 His light grey eyes look back at you and you smile before greeting him, "How are you doing, Chandresh?" 

 "It's hot today but I'm doing fine," his deep voice sounds pleasant as he smiles back. "The last time we had lunch together was a long time ago, have you recovered well?" 

 "Yes, I don't need to stay cooped up all the time anymore. Are you now stationed here instead of the Sanctuary?" 

 "Our team shifts from time to time but I'd rather be here than there, the Sanctuary is too quiet for me haha!" 

 His eyes shine when he laughs and you can't help but laugh as well. You notice Nahida and Zhongli looking at both of you but Chandresh doesn't. 

 "I've heard that you are now living elsewhere, are you here to enroll now or do you have different plans?" He asks casually but his entire stance changes when he finally sees the Archon nearby. 

 You see Nahida and Zhongli walking towards you when you answer, "Lesser Lord Kusanali is giving me a tour and it's been sometime since I last saw her."

 "I see," his face now looks stoic and as if on cue, his replacement suddenly arrives to change patrols. He quickly says goodbye and you wave back as you walk towards Nahida. 

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