Chapter 9: The Answers That You Deservioli

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As Uzi walked through the forests of Camp 98.7, she comes across an abandoned building. She used her newfound powers to open the lock to the building, as she entered.

If it wasn't obvious from the outside, the inside of the building looked very old, dusty, and abandoned. There was also no light source other than that weird moon thing Copper-9 has. So naturally, Uzi used her flashlight to look around.

She came across a worker drone's hat, of course, this was useless to her, so she just threw it behind her with her Absolute Solver.

Uzi looks around the area, only to find books, some clothes, a conveniently long table that could possibly support a 7 ft tall man, and a calendar. Though, the calendar piqued her curiosity.

Using her Absolute Solver, she picked up the calendar, as its month is set to "Seramorris". There was a message written on it, something about evacuating  all dogs just in case something bad happened. But fortunately, dogs are now immortal, thanks to science. (A/N: THIS IS EPIC INFORMATION LETS GOOOO)

Uzi sighed in relief, though suddenly, a noise(not THE Noise) coming from a nearby hallway caught her attention. She squinted her eyes inorder to see everything in the hallway clearer, but then suddenly, she saw a.... Human hand? She freaked out as her flashlight suddenly flickered. She frantically turned the flashlight back on, but the hand was gone. Suddenly, a scream was heard outside. Uzi ran towards the window to look outside, and she saw.... the campers just having a fun time with canoe boats on an ice lake. She also saw Peppino, Gustavo and Brick with a tied up Pizzahead, Vigilante watching the chaos unfold, and The Noise... Playing with the campers, for some reason?

---Literally a few meters away from the abandoned building---

"So... My friend wants to know if you killed her family.... and are single." a student named Rebecca asked, Before being interrupted by a student named Darren.

"Make way for the canoe train!" Darren said, as he and Thad carried the canoe where V, Lizzy and The Noise were currently on.

"Sabotage, minions! Plan X!" V commanded, as The Noise replied with "On it!".

The Noise jumped from their canoe to N's,  as he placed down a live Noise Bomb™ on the canoe, before jumping back. He, V and Lizzy then laughed maniacally.

"BOMB!" N yelled, as he picked up the 3 students that were currently on his canoe and flew off of the canoe with them.

The Vigilante heard this, and ran to the scene as fast as possible, before throwing the bomb at the dense forest of Camp 98.7 as far as he could. The area where the bomb landed in were suddenly wiped in an instant, with only dead trees remaining, as a reminder of what the hell just happened.

"What the heck, Noise!" Vigi scolded the crazed man in a yellow jumpsuit, who only shrugged in response, as he got off the canoe.

"You could've KILLED those children! Your reckless actions are NOT goin' unpunished!" Vigi added, as The Noise replied.

"Yeah? Well, what're you gonna do to me then? I'm THE fucking Noise! I can handle anything you throw at me!-" The Noise said, before getting interrupted by Vigi.

"You're not gettin' smores later." The Vigilante declared The Noise's punishment. The Noise went from that shit-eating grin of his, to absolute pure devastation. If Peppino could see what was happening right now, he would be laughing his ass off.

----Back at the abandoned building---

Uzi watched the entire thing from the window, with a sad expression. The Disassembly Drones, heck, even the humans, were already getting along with her classmates, when they've only been here for a couple of weeks, while shes been here for her whole life, and everyone treated her like an outcast.

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